Page 15 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips


The Profitability Of Recycling

The Profitability Of Recycling

Obviously we are big fans of recycling, but we also understand when our customers ask us, "OK, but how much does it cost?" They are often surprised when we tell them that recycling containers are an investment that will pay for themselves fairly quickly. Recycling ROI Trash is an expense.

How To Compost At Work

How To Compost At Work

In the last forty years recycling has gone from a hippie fringe activity to mainstream waste disposal. Now that the recycle bin is nearly as common as the trash can, organizations are moving into a new ecological initiative: composting.

Motivate Kids to Use Recycling Bins

Motivate Kids to Use Recycling Bins

If you have recently invested in a recycling bin, you may be facing the question of how to entice kids and other family members to remember to recycle, rather than throwing everything in the garbage.  Thankfully, recycling is easy and many kids will be more than willing to pitch in to help the environment.

How Can I Get My Employer To Recycle?

The sad fact is that too many businesses do little if any recycling. Most people recycle at home due to the convenience of curbside programs, but then you go to work and there isn't a recycling bin to be seen.

Start an Office Recycling Program

Start an Office Recycling Program reports that, "In the average workplace, about 80 to 90 percent of solid waste is actually recyclable, according to the U.

Tips For Introducing Recycling Lessons Into The Classroom

Tips For Introducing Recycling Lessons Into The Classroom

The lessons kids receive in the classroom can change their lives. We don't mean the "What year was the War of 1812?" rote memorizations, but rather the classes that shape their perceptions of the world around them.

Get More From Your Recycling Efforts

It goes without saying that Waste Wise Products cares about the environment, but we are also a business so respect the need to make a profit. This is why we work with our customers to find creative ways to turn their ecological efforts into positive business strategies.

Tips For Getting People To Use Your Recycling Containers

It's frustrating to deploy a bunch of recycling containers and then find people are still throwing plastic bottles and such in the trash. Over our years in the industry we've come across a few tips that can make your recycle bins busier than ever.

Use Additional Recycling Containers To Encourage Greater Recycling Participation Among Employees

Are you becoming discouraged by all of the recyclable materials that are being thrown in the trash every day by your employees? The answer to this problem may be simpler than you realize: Add more recycling containers to your workplace! More bins for recycling can A) remind employees that your workplace has a recycling program and B) make it easier for employees to participate, depending on where the recycling containers are placed.

How To Create A Green Outdoor Break Area With Recycled Park Benches

As an employer, there's nothing more frustrating than a workplace that lacks energy. If you've ever walked through the office on a Monday afternoon, greeted by forced smiles and an overwhelming feeling that everything is moving in slow motion, you may be looking for new and inventive ways to increase productivity.