3 Ways To Promote Environmental Sustainability At Work

Adopting a sustainable office can offer several benefits. And it’s the best way to go green. But what are the ways to promote environmental sustainability at work to help your company save money and energy?

Most of our lives are spent at the office. Americans put a minimum of 40 hours a week at work. While working, you can improve your quality of life and lessen your carbon footprint by empowering yourself and others to work more sustainably. Here are some tips on how to promote environmental sustainability in the workplace to create positive change in your office.

Encourage sustainable behavior

As an employer, encourage your employees to go green by demonstrating green behavior at all times whether in your office or at home. For example, ride your bike rather than drive your car. Walking or riding a bike can save 3.8 million tons of greenhouse emissions. If distance is a factor, opt for carpooling with your employees.

Promote sustainable team building

One of the ways to build a green team at work is to encourage employees to recycle. To do that, make sure you have recycling bins. In this way, your teammates will be trained to separate their waste products into a recycling bin. Doing so will reduce the waste from your workspace and prevent the recycling materials from ending up in a landfill. Remember: your recycle bins can also be used to keep the food scraps!

Have a sustainable office cafeteria

Do you still use a coffee pod machine in your cafeteria? If you do, ditch it as coffee pods generate a huge amount of plastic waste. Instead, invest in a coffee maker. Then, encourage your workers to use their reusable cups to cut down on disposables.

Kindly discourage your employees from using single-use plastics by stocking up on reusable containers and cutlery. Make sure to skip the disposables which include disposable plates, spoon, and forks. Purchase compartmentalized plastic trays instead. Then, adjust how much food is prepared in your cafeteria each day. This way, you’ll know how much food must be made to reduce food waste.


These green initiatives at the office aren’t the only ones you can implement in your workplace. Start small using these go-green ideas before you jump into bigger and bolder moves.
