3 ways to foster a greener workplace with paper reduction and recycling bins | Waste Wise Products

3 ways to foster a greener workplace with paper reduction and recycling bins

Green Your Office With Paper Recycling

More offices today are moving towards being a green workplace. These initiatives are focused on making workplaces more cost efficient and productive while inspiring employees to make a difference in their communities and build team spirit. Here’s how to integrate a paper reduction program, recycling bins, and other green strategies into a green workplace.

Implement A Paper Reduction Program

There are countless strategies that can be used to reduce the amount of paper consumed in any office setting. The more ways you reduce paper consumption, in coordination with the use of recycling containers, will ultimately lower costs and your company’s carbon footprint. Here are just a few ideas to get you started with a paper reduction program:

• Enable double-sided printing on company printers and copiers; invest in printers and copiers with this capability whenever you buy a new piece of equipment.
• Don’t use cover sheets on faxes; you can call ahead or send an email to give advance notice of a fax.
• Use light-weight paper which has a lesser environmental impact.
• If your company uses direct mailers, adopt a design that does not require envelopes, like fold and staple mailers.
• Periodically go through your mailing list and remove duplicate and out of date entries.
• Allow for internal memorandums and documents to circulate with minor, legible hand corrections instead of printing a new revision after every change.
• When at all possible, use email and voice message to communicate rather than paper.

Strategically Place Recycling Bins Where They Will Do The Most Good

The paperless office is still a long ways off, so in the mean time recycling bins will always be necessary to capture paper waste. Recycling containers today are created in so many different sizes, shapes, and configurations that they can fit into nearly any office space.

Place recycling bins near every copier and community printer where paper is generated the most. Smaller clip-on recycling containers can be added to personal waste bins in every office as well. Conference rooms and communal areas should also have recycling bins to catch waste. In order to capture and combine all the different source of paper waste, larger, multi-container recycling containers are ideal for pick-up by your municipal or private waste haulers.

Waste Wise Products carries a full line of recycling bins to meet any and all of your needs.

Small Office Recycling Solutions And Recycling Bins

Smaller offices and businesses are seemingly always in a cash crunch, so it is understandable that there might be some resistance to green changes. However, there are plenty of solutions for the smallest of offices. Combine your green efforts with neighboring offices in your building or complex. Ask if you can share recycling bins and dump your paper waste into a neighbor’s recycling containers. Plus, many of the paper reduction techniques only require a change in behavior without a financial investment.

Overall, there are countless ways to reduce paper waste, utilize recycling containers and recycling bins, and foster a green workplace.

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2 Responses to 3 ways to foster a greener workplace with paper reduction and recycling bins

  1. Great tips! This would help employees become more aware that papers can still be recycled. Through this, less paper would be used.

  2. Thank you for sharing such helpful tips. We can limit the number of copies that we produce at the office or at home.

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