3 Ways to Expand Your Green Corporate Social Responsibility | Waste Wise Products

3 Ways to Expand Your Green Corporate Social Responsibility

3 Ways to Expand Your Green Corporate Social Responsibility

Developing a greener company is not just about cutting costs, but going green reflects a desire to improve or reflect on corporate social responsibility. So what are ways to move beyond the walls of your company, and make sure that your sustainability program helps your community and environment as well? Here are 3 ideas for expanding your environmental impact in a positive way.

1. Buy or invest in solar power. Many businesses cannot install solar panels for their offices, due to lease or rent agreements, or the rooftops in question only providing limited solar coverage. If your business can’t install solar panels, consider sourcing your energy from green power. By opting to use a green power company, you’ll be receiving your energy from renewable sources, versus energy from coal or fossil fuels. Check this list to see what’s offered in your state.

In addition, you can also go green by investing in renewable energy. This list at the Mother Nature Network provides 5 different companies that help others use renewable energy, and with your help, can expand their efforts to serve more people.

2. Hit local channels first for the greatest impact. Starting local is the best way to see how impactful your efforts have been when you are making eco-friendly changes to your company. From switching to a local organic farm to provide meals to your cafeteria, to shipping materials from in-state versus cross-country, you will be making big changes that not just save you time, energy, and money, but also help local businesses and the local environment.

In addition, donating to or pairing up with local, green organizations brings awareness to your local audience and encourages green action. Overall, it not only strengthens your connections with your community but also builds a positive, stronger local culture for sustainability within and outside your company’s walls.  

3. Bring sustainable solutions to others. One of the best ways to expand your green impact is to share your resources and knowledge with others or make sustainable solutions accessible to others. Whether it’s providing education through presentations with others in your industry, volunteering your time with organizations that install solar panels to those in need, or even making it easier for customers to return your products for recycling once they reach their end-of-life.

By adopting these ideas, you can add more depth to your company’s sustainability programs, and increase your impact on your community. To bring more green practices to your company, contact us.

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