3 Simple Ideas To Introduce Sustainability At The Office

With all the threats we see in our natural environment, it is more important than ever to “go green.” It will not only help the world around you, but it can also help you cut costs and gain community spirit. You may recycle, compost, and purchase eco-friendly products at home, but what about your place of work? Here are three simple ideas to introduce sustainability at the office.

1) Talk to your employer about what products they purchase. Could they easily replace chemical-filled cleaners with more eco-friendly products? Window cleaners, counter cleaners, and soap that are biodegradable are easy to find, and the cost can be the same as name-brand chemical cleaners. If you have a kitchen in the office, provide re-usable or compostable tableware for everyone to use. Take turns bringing in products or washing dishes.

2) Ask everyone to pitch in and recycle! Make a team building game of it by pretending your recycle bins are ‘hoops.’ Whoever makes a can into the bin gets 1 point and whoever gets a paper product in gets 3 points! This will not only be fun and help out your environment, but it will also save on trash dumping costs!

3) If you are determined, you can start a vermicompost bin in your place of work. They are easy, odorless, and small so they will fit anywhere without disrupting the normal flow of the office. Take turns ‘feeding’ the worms and make them your office pet or mascot! Whether people bring their own food, order out, or make food at the office, you can all pitch in by eliminating waste. Perhaps you could use the fertilizer to donate to the local community garden, or even start your own office garden!

Whether your office is full of eco-conscious individuals or not, these ideas are sure to get your office headed in the right direction. Further, make sure your idea is fun, and make a game out of it if you need to get more co-workers on board. Have a monthly challenge to see if you can reduce waste or chemical use even more.