There’s Money Sitting In Your Recycling Bins, So Why Not Collect On It? | Waste Wise Products

There’s Money Sitting In Your Recycling Bins, So Why Not Collect On It?

Everybody agrees that recycling is good for the environment, but some people don’t realize that recycling can be good for their wallet as well. More and more people are starting to realize this, and they are pulling their discarded recyclables back from the curb and cashing in themselves.

With recycling centers being widespread and available to the public, consumers are taking advantage of this opportunity to make money where they hadn’t considered before: Inside their own recycling bins. Each time a can or bottle is thrown into recycling bins, it transforms into change that collects in a piggy bank. Before they know it, some people have accumulated hundreds of dollars with of bottles and cans, just waiting to be redeemed for cash.

Why Should I Recycle My Own Items?

With the average redemption value for bottles and cans being between 5 cents for smaller containers and 10 cents for larger containers, it makes perfect sense to store these items in recycling bins until they are full. The amount of waste that is discarded from cans, bottles, packaging and other items can add up quicker than some people realize.

The average payout for a four person family per year is $180.50, which may not seem like much, but that is at the rate of 2 drink containers a day per person, as well as one large container per week being recycled. For larger families, or for individuals or groups that consume large amounts of food or drink that is packaged in recyclable materials, the payout can be much, much larger. And all of that money is money that would have gone out on trash pick up day.

Getting started

The most effective way to recycle on your own would be to have separate recycling bins for different materials. By dividing paper and cardboard, plastic, glass and metal into their own recycling bins, it will make it much easier on you when you get to the recycling center. Recycling centers have large conveyor belts that weigh the items before dumping them into giant recycling bins, and each station is specified for particular materials.

By separating your items into recycling bins beforehand, you will undoubtedly save yourself a lot of time at the recycling center. After your items are weighed, you will receive a printed voucher, which you simply bring inside to redeem for your money.

By investing a little bit of money into new recycling bins and a small amount of your time, you may be able to see a pretty nice sized return on your recyclables. This is money that you may have been throwing out on trash day, so why not keep it for yourself so you can invest in something you really want?

Recycle With Style - High End Recycling Bins - Shop Now
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One Response to There’s Money Sitting In Your Recycling Bins, So Why Not Collect On It?

  1. Thanx for focusing on small things related to recycling which can make a big impact.
    The waste management should be a part of our daily routine.

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