How to get recycling grants with Coca-Cola | Waste Wise Products

How to get recycling grants with Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola Recycling Bin Grant 2014

The Coca-Cola: Keep America Beautiful Recycling Bin Grant program offers two types of grants. The Public Space Bin Grant is offered to non-profit organizations such as churches, government agencies, and schools. Collegiate Bin Grants are designed to support recycling at degree-granting colleges and universities.

The grant is competitive and provides recycling bins to a select number of recipients who make the effort to create clear and compelling proposals that show recycling bin needs, as well as how the recycling bins would be used to promote sustainable practices. There are no limits to the number of recycling bins that can be requested. The grant can be used to create new programs or expand existing recycling programs. Grants are awarded to organizations and institutions that demonstrate the best impact outcomes of beverage container recovery.

Recipients indicate how many bins are needed and where they will be located, and they have a choice among recycling bin styles, such as bottle-shaped, wireframe, outdoor metal, and plastic general purpose. While there are options for mixed-material recycling, the program specifically targets beverage recycling bins and programs.

Suppliers deliver the recycling bins directly to recipients, and the recycling bins become the property of the grantee organization, who then become responsible for data reporting and all recycling collection arrangements. The grant helps to create recycling awareness in the community, as recipients are required to share the grant information with local media communications.

In 2013, Public Space Bin Grants were given to a number of notable organizations, such as Keep Phoenix Beautiful in Arizona, Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians in California, Union County Habitat for Humanity in North Carolina, Yombe Shoshone Tribe in Nevada, Rural Action in Ohio, MCTI Interact Club in Pennsylvania, as well as numerous schools, colleges, and community governments.

The Coca-Cola recycling bin grant application will reopen in 2014. For-profit businesses and individuals are not allowed to apply for the grant. If you or your business would like to promote recycling at home or work, check out recycling bin options.


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