Sprint tackles e-waste with The Smartphone Encore Challenge | Waste Wise Products

Sprint tackles e-waste with The Smartphone Encore Challenge

Sprint Launches The Smartphone Encore Challenge

Recently, Sprint launched its inaugural Smartphone Encore Challenge, which will look to college students for a new take on issues of e-waste and sustainability.  

In partnership with Brightstar Corp. and HOBI International, Sprint seeks to challenge the next generation of innovators to repurpose secondhand smartphones.  This challenge will be made possible via Net Impact, who will be making use of their 155 graduate and undergraduate chapters.  Of these, the first 25 teams to register will be selected to participate in the program.

Upon the beginning of the contest period, each participating chapter will be provided with a pair of used Android phones, batteries, and chargers.  These phones will remain fully functional for the length of the contest, with complimentary domestic voice, text, and data plans.  These will be used for reference and prototyping of their final business plan, which will demonstrate the team’s ability to make an attractive, new product out of what might have been trash.

Each team will be judged in the areas of the problem, market, solution, innovation, and financial feasibility, in addition to pitch delivery. The winning team will receive $5,000, which may be used to attend Net Impact’s Startup Weekend, a program which teaches young entrepreneurs how to take their products to the next level.  Additionally, both the winning team and the runner-up will be featured on Net Impact’s Earth Day webinar, “Issues in Depth.” 

This latest program highlights Sprint’s continued efforts to take corporate social responsibility for sustainability.  Ideally, this will competition will inspire both, young students and some of the top tech names, to approach the issue of sustainability with innovation.

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