Embracing Eco-Friendly Packaging at the workplace | Waste Wise Products

Embracing Eco-Friendly Packaging at the workplace

Embracing Eco-Friendly Packaging at the workplace

Eco-friendly packaging is something more and more companies are concerning themselves in the 21st century, particularly given the emphasis on shipping and online commerce that has been thrown into stark relief by Covid-19. Part of the attention this packaging is getting is due to the advances in technology and manufacturing techniques, which have made these packaging options competitive, and in some cases, outright cheaper than traditional packaging choices. Another part of what’s made greener packaging so popular, though, is that it’s good for business if a company looks like it’s doing its part to help the environment.

What Options Does Your Business Have?

There are a slew of options you have, regardless of your business’s size. One of the most common examples of green packaging is post-consumer recycled content. If your product comes in a cardboard box, for example, then making sure that the box is made from recycled content is a great way to show your customers that you care about the environment. If a recycled box happens to be less expensive, well, that’s just a bonus.

There are other options, too. For example, biodegradable plastics and paper are a handy way for companies to make sure their packaging fades away to nothing once it’s thrown away. It can even be composted in some instances, which makes it valuable to customers who have a compost heap in their yard. Mushroom-based packing foam has grown more common for companies like IKEA, who wanted to avoid using Styrofoam for their products. There’s a plant-based plastic, such as those made from sugarcane.

The list of potentials goes on and on.

Check The Laws, And Compare Your Options

Eco-friendly packaging isn’t just a good idea either; it’s also the law in many places. It’s important to say ahead of the curve with more countries outlawing single-use plastics and tightening requirements on recycled content and disposability. Even if it isn’t required for your business to use green packaging, though, check to see if doing so qualifies you for a tax deduction or other form of incentive. It never hurts to double-check, after all.

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