Colorado Mountain Towns Ask Mining Industry to Take Corporate Social Responsibility | Waste Wise Products

Colorado Mountain Towns Ask Mining Industry to Take Corporate Social Responsibility

Colorado Mountain Towns Ask Mining Industry to Take Corporate Social Responsibility

Recently, a group of ten Colorado mountain towns banded together, seeking financial compensation from the U.S. mining industry for what is seen as the industry’s acceleration of localized climate change. Citing rising temperatures, inconsistent river flows, shrinking snowpack, drought, and wildfires, the cities ask for a share of coal mining royalties to help with the expenses. 

“We have to start somewhere in taking on that challenge. Now’s the time. We’re seeing the impact from global warming,” Leadville Mayor Jaime Stuever said. “I’m not blaming it solely on coal. It’s fossil fuels in general…  If there’s no consistent snow… then we need to look at other forms of tourism.” (Denver Post)

To be fair, not all leaders agree with the assessment that localized climate change is solely the fault of mining. In fact, the U.S. Forest Service recently announced that they would be reinstating the “roadless rule” exemption extended to coal mines, claiming that environmental impacts have not yet been proven to their satisfaction. 

The “roadless rule,” a compromise between environmental groups and coal mines, was first reached in 2012, making Colorado one of only two states to adopt it. If it were to be repealed, it would come as quite a financial blow, especially as the local mines are already facing production losses and lost jobs due to heavy state and federal regulations (Bakken).

It is our hope that further studies into climate change impact will be completed soon so that appropriate steps can be taken, but either way, the situation in Colorado raises an interesting question of corporate social responsibility. 

Although most small businesses don’t believe that their impact is as large as that of the United States Mining Industry, if all small businesses banded together in the same spirit that united those Colorado mining towns, their combined environmental impact could be enormous. By participating in using clean energy or instituting recycling programs, they could together ensure a cleaner and brighter future. 

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