Shoo Flu! Tips For Fending Off Flu This Winter Season | Waste Wise Products

Shoo Flu! Tips For Fending Off Flu This Winter Season

As the fall and winter holidays approach, many people turn their thoughts to time spent with family and shopping for presents. But the holiday season also corresponds to another time of the year that doesn’t involve much joy…

Flu season runs from October through to May. This year in the United States alone, between 25 and 50 million people will come down with the flu. This number only covers the seasonal version of the virus without considering possible outbreaks of bird or swine flu.

The best way to fend off flu this season is to be knowledgeable about prevention.

Stop The Spread Of The Flu With Hand Sanitizers

By Christmas, the overwhelming majority of the entire population will have come into contact with a person or some surface that is contained with the flu virus. Our actions and preventative measures will determine whether or not we get sick. Catching the flu can put us out of commission for weeks, disrupting work and school schedules. That is where hand sanitizers come in to play.

When we don’t have easy access to soap and water, hand sanitizers are the best way to prevent illness. With a pocket sized hand sanitizer dispenser from Waste Wise, it is easy to quickly sanitize before meals, when meeting new people, or using communal resources. This same advice also works at home, in fact, you are more likely to catch the flu from a family member who is already sick, so keep hand sanitizer available even at home.


People who are at risk for complications from the flu should not rely on just hand sanitizer alone. Being vaccinated is essential for include children and the elderly, people who have asthma, diabetes, heart disease, or are immuno-compromised. Complications typically land 150,000 people in the hospital, but the flu shot will severely reduce symptoms if someone does get sick.

Flu shots have to be renewed each year as they are not effective forever. The seasonal shot usually becomes available in September and at-risk groups should get it as soon as possible. Even though shots are available through January, don’t wait too long to get vaccinated or you might get sick before you are protected.

Stay Protected Outside Of The Home

Hand sanitizer dispensers are essential when we are out of the home and in the office or at school. Pocket hand sanitizer dispensers are perfect when on the go. Keep a hand sanitizer dispenser on your desk at work and in your child’s backpack. Ask your employer to add hand sanitizer dispensers to common areas, such as the cafeteria or conference room. If you have the authority to do so at your place of employment, feel free to contact Waste Wise to see all of the options available.

As the old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Since there is no cure for the flu besides bed rest, prevention is key. Keep hand sanitizer close at hand and get your shots and this flu season will pass by soon enough.

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