The Bigger Picture Of Paper Recycling For Offices & Schools | Waste Wise Products

The Bigger Picture Of Paper Recycling For Offices & Schools

The Bigger Picture Of Paper Recycling For Offices & Schools

Despite the move toward a paperless, technology-driven world, we all know that paper still reigns supreme in office and school settings. With office workers using an average of 10,000 sheets of copy paper annually (according to The Paperless Project), the impact of our day-to-day living within the human environment continues to damage and destroy the natural one.

It may seem obvious to some, and still insignificant to others, but recycling paper is a critical step towards protecting our resources, reducing our negative environmental impact, and preserving the earth for generations to come. According to The Paperless Project, a “grassroots coalition of companies focused on transforming the way organizations use paper, and electronic content,” paper waste and manufacture are responsible for:

  • 4% of the world’s energy use
  • releasing toxic chemicals into the environment
  • being the third largest pollutant of air, water, and land
  • deforestation and the loss of rainforests (and subsequently animal life)
  • the largest use of water per ton of production of any industry worldwide

At times it is easy to forget the bigger picture when we’re busy trying to get a project done, meet a deadline, or simply stay on top of our tasks. Yet we know that unless we are working to protect our planet, all other work renders futile.

Fortunately, Waste Wise Products Inc offers solutions to give staff the opportunity to come together for this common goal. For beautiful, stylish pieces to add to your office space that double as eco-friendly recycling receptacles, explore our online store and inquire today!

Recycle With Style - High End Recycling Bins - Shop Now
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