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Recycling Tips

Battery Recycle Containers: Which Batteries to Consider and How They’re Recycled

Battery Recycle Containers: Which Batteries to Consider and How They’re Recycled

Recycle containers for batteries has become a popular way to recycle in many U.S.

Recycling Containers: It’s Not Just for the Little Stuff

Recycling Containers: It’s Not Just for the Little Stuff

Most of us have heard about recycling. We're encouraged to use recycling containers to gather plastic bottles, glass jars, and aluminum cans as well cardboard boxes and newspapers.

13 Secrets For A Successful Zero-Waste Event

13 Secrets For A Successful Zero-Waste Event

A study from 2006 showed that a typical event generates four pounds of trash per person. However a zero-waste event reduces that number to less than a third of a pound per person, of which less than one ounce is non-recyclable trash.

The Problem With Recycling Styrofoam

The Problem With Recycling Styrofoam

We are willing to bet that even if your recycling vender accepts plastic type 6 in their recycle bins, they specifically exclude Styrofoam. Why is Styrofoam not recyclable? It's all the same stuff, isn't it? Sort of.

Applying Toyota’s Lessons To Recycling Programs

The Toyota Prius is one of the great automotive success stories. People practically fought in the streets for the privilege of owning them.

The Secret To Negotiating A Recycling Contract

We are going to let you in on a little tip that will save you many when you renew your contract with your recycling vendor: presort the recycling bin. Presorting Is Easy Right now you are probably doing what's called "single-stream recycling" or "commingled recycling".

Tips For Getting People To Use Your Recycling Containers

It's frustrating to deploy a bunch of recycling containers and then find people are still throwing plastic bottles and such in the trash. Over our years in the industry we've come across a few tips that can make your recycle bins busier than ever.

Think Twice Before Recycling That Plastic

Recycling plastic keeps dangerous chemicals out of the environment, reduces our need for fossil fuels and saves energy used in plastic production. So is there a reason you would not want to throw plastic in a recycle container? Actually yes.

There’s Money Sitting In Your Recycling Bins, So Why Not Collect On It?

Everybody agrees that recycling is good for the environment, but some people don't realize that recycling can be good for their wallet as well. More and more people are starting to realize this, and they are pulling their discarded recyclables back from the curb and cashing in themselves.

Three Tips To Get You Started On Recycling Today

Recycling has a huge impact on our lives and our communities, but many people are hesitant to start because they feel as if it may be a daunting task. With all the news about global warming and climate change, many people feel like they can't make a difference.