What to do with Old Magazines | Reusing Old Magazines

6 creative ideas for reusing old magazines

6 creative ideas for reusing old magazines

Are you searching for a few recycling innovations or wondering what to do with old magazines? Look no further. Discover six ways to reuse old magazines that don’t involve a large recycling bin and may also earn you a few dollars.

1. Create art

Paper is a common base for art projects. So, use the colorful pages of your old magazines to make origami bows or fill up a picture frame. Be innovative – treat this medium as you would any other form of paper.

2. Wrap presents

Short on gift wrap? Cover your present with old magazine pages. Be sure to select a theme that matches what you’re giving away. For example, a box of shoes can be playfully dotted with other cutouts of shoes or potential compatible attire.

3. Build a vision board

Fuel your dreams by building a vision board. This visual aid offers you a chance to set the platform for what you want out of life. Clippings from old magazines provide subject matter to which you can paste onto anything, including a piece of cardboard.

4. Replace bubble wrap

Plastic bubble wrap is not eco-friendly. Why? Plastic is a substance that takes hundreds of years to decompose. Replace your bubble wrap with crumpled up magazine pages. Both offer sufficient cushion for whatever you’re storing in a package.

5. Earn money on eBay

Make money on eBay by selling vintage magazines or magazine pages. There is a market for these types of products. Your job – do your research to make sure your magazine is valuable, something another party will pay money for and cherish.

6. Donate to a library

Libraries accept magazine donations from the public. What do library reps look for in a donation? These professionals check for desirable publications in mint condition.

Employ the above recycling innovations and reuse those old magazines. These paper goods can serve for more than just entertaining reading material. Learn more about the topic of recycling by visiting Waste Wise Products Inc.

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