5 Ways to Pest Proof Your Trash/Garbage Can Containers

5 Ways To Pest Proof Your Waste Receptacles

How To Pest Proof Your Waste Receptacles

Summer is a season that means busy times and boosted profits for some businesses, especially in the retail, tourist, and food & beverage industries. But the arrival of summer also brings with it some extra considerations. The warmer weather encourages more animal life to search for food. This can mean anything from raccoons to wasps trying to access your trash and food waste, and making a mess of things on the property. This is an especially big concern for restaurants that dispose of large amounts of food. There are, however, things you can do to pest-proof your trash cans.

1) Store Food Separately

One of the biggest issues with waste containers such as garbage cans getting knocked over is because animals like raccoons smell food inside and are trying to get it. However, if there is no food in the trash can, to begin with, this is a big deterrence since there will be no smell to lure animals in.

For businesses not focused around food, such as offices, or other commercial ventures that only handle the meals and snacks of employees, try storing leftover food in a compost bin or its own separate container in a freezer. Then on the night just before trash collection, take it out and put it in the trash can or food waste receptacle. This means that you’ll only have food vulnerable to animals for a few hours, rather than the entire week.

2) Secure Your Lid

Other businesses focused on food, such as restaurants, bakeries, and other F&B outlets don’t have the option of delayed storage for food disposal. In these cases, the refuse has to go out. One of the simplest, most effective ways to deter pests of any kind is to make sure that not only does the container have a securable lid, but you can also actually secure it when the time comes.

If you don’t want to spend time cleaning up overturned containers on the property that have trash splayed out, trying storing the garbage at or under capacity first, to ensure the lid can be securely closed and kept tight. The lack of the smell of food will make a big difference in getting the attention of scavengers.

3) Buy Or Build An Enclosure

Some businesses find it more efficient to protect an entire area. Building sheds and enclosures that can fit a waste receptacle is another alternative. You can keep the enclosure shut or even securely padlocked to prevent anyone or anything from getting inside and accessing the garbage containers.

You can either custom build something for yourself, or, if you’re using standard sized trash containers, buy plastic or vinyl “mini-sheds” that can contain your receptacles and prevent them from scavengers foraging in the night.

4) Install Motion Detecting Lights

Animals prefer the cover of darkness, so when lights suddenly come on and catch them in the act, or even set off an alarm, this is often enough to scare them away. It’s a bit more expensive, but you can always try buying and installing motion detectors that are wired to trigger on lights, alarm, or both. It’s a safe way to repel and pest-proof garbage cans.

5) Get The Right Container

Waste Wise has a variety of waste receptacles for different needs, whether it’s refuse management for public spaces, general disposal needs for an office, or the demanding requirements of restaurants. If you’re looking for a pest-proof container or something to suit your needs, contact us and see what we offer.

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