5 Reasons You Should Start Recycling Today!

Recycling can be annoying. It’s another extra thing added to your already busy day. Who has time to rifle through garbage? What is even recyclable? It may seem inconvenient, and you may think recycling isn’t even worth the trouble but that is simply not true. Here are 5 reasons why recycling is important/good and why you should start recycling today.

1. Good For The Economy

Recycling creates jobs. For every one person employed in waste management, four are employed in recycling manufacturing.  As of 2011, it is estimated that over 2.3 million people are employed in the recycling-based businesses. This includes jobs both in recycling plants and outside recycling plants such as manufacturing products out of recycled material.

2. Saves Money

One way recycling saves you money is by selling your recycled materials. It might not be a lot of money (a few cents per can), but if you’re already spending a lot of money buying bottled drinks, then it’s worth getting some of that money back. Additionally, recycling plants are less costly than waste management facilities. Recycling plants are less costly because they can offset some of the costs of collecting and processing recyclables by selling recycled materials.

3. Removes From Massive Landfills

Your trash ends up in landfills. Unless you live you near a landfill, that fact might not bother you. But the fact of the matter is, that without recycling those landfills continue to grow taking up more and more land. Worse yet, landfills are filled with non-biodegradable trash and possibly other hazardous material. Even if you don’t live near a landfill, there are still other communities that have to live next to a growing mountain of trash. Recycling minimizes the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

4. Conserves Energy

Processing natural materials and resources, like trees, consumes more energy than processing recycled material. Even the transport of natural resources consumes more energy. Recycling alone can save approximately 11.9 billion gallons of gas per year.

5. Good For The Environment

Processing natural material is not only wasteful of energy but also wasteful and damaging of our limited natural resources. The pollution and greenhouses gases produced by the processing and manufacturing of natural resources like trees, metal, and oil have caused considerable harm to our environment and changing climate. Recycling is 194 times more effective in reducing pollution and greenhouses gases.