How A Green Outdoor Seating Area Can Benefit Your Restaurant | Waste Wise Products

How A Green Outdoor Seating Area Can Benefit Your Restaurant

Beat Up Picnic Table

Looking for a fresh idea to give your restaurant an edge on the competition? You’re not alone! With a myriad of dining options available, originality is key to succeeding in the restaurant industry. If your establishment doesn’t distinguish itself with unique food, ambience or business practices, customers will have no problem dining elsewhere.

For those restaurants that have mastered the culinary domain, but are looking to create an unforgettable dining atmosphere, consider an eco-friendly outdoor seating area. Recycled plastic picnic tables are the perfect place to start. We know what you’re thinking – picnic tables could never be trendy, right? Don’t worry; we’re not talking about the long wooden ones you’re accustomed to seeing at your local park!

You can now find plastic picnic tables in a variety of appealing colors and shapes, including round and hexagonal configurations; so there is something to suit almost any style of outdoor décor. Add a few plants, flowers and recycling bins and your new eco-friendly seating area will come together right before your eyes!

Why Plastic Picnic Tables?

What could be more green than picnic tables made from 100% recycled plastic? A popular low-maintenance alternative to traditional table and chair sets, recycled plastic picnic tables are easy to clean and require little care to stay in great shape. Most varieties are extremely durable, as well as water resistant and sun proof. Simply place an umbrella in the middle and you’re good to go! You can even find models that are ADA compliant, so you can easily accommodate customers who need handicap accessible seating. And if you find that your chairs often disappear overnight, sturdy picnic tables are a great option for eliminating furniture theft.

To make the most of your new recycled picnic tables, consider combining them with a variety of additional eco-friendly components, such as all-natural table centerpieces, soothing plants and flowers, and recycling bins for glass, plastic and paper. These small gestures can go a long way in creating a warm, comforting atmosphere with marketable appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers.

Don’t Be Shy! Market Your Eco-Friendly Efforts

If someone told you five years ago that you would be posting pictures of your restaurant’s recycled picnic tables on Facebook, odds are you would have dismissed the notion as crazy! However, marketing strategies have drastically changed in recent years and communicating with customers through social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook is now the standard, rather than the exception.

If you want your newly found green business practices to make a difference when it comes to your company’s bottom line, you have to let the people know about them! Many business owners may not realize it, but as going green becomes increasingly trendy, demand for eco-friendly products and business practices will continue to rise.

In fact, a company’s commitment to the environment, or lack thereof, can often make a huge impact on a consumer’s decision to patronize a particular dining establishment. So don’t be shy! Get out there and proudly announce the addition of your green outdoor seating area. Use social media, word of mouth, and signage throughout your restaurant to share the news. You may surprised by what a few plastic picnic tables can do for your business!


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