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Plastic Pollution

Do Scientists Have A New Weapon To Fight Plastic Pollution?

Do Scientists Have A New Weapon To Fight Plastic Pollution?

Imagine, for a moment, if we could make PET and PEF plastics break down in a matter of weeks or months, instead of years. If we could gather up the tons of plastic waste that's choking our oceans and landfills, sprinkle some fairy dust on it, and watch it melt away, what could that do to help us ease the burden of plastic pollution on our environment?A lot.

Help National Parks Fight Plastic Pollution

Help National Parks Fight Plastic Pollution

Over the past few decades, our nation's national parks have done their part in decreasing plastic pollution and the harmful effects on our country's most treasured examples of natural beauty. At different times, they've had federal support backing their policies; however, while these matters are in a constant state of flux, one thing never changes: the dedication of those in leadership of our national parks services to fight plastic pollution.

2 Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Pollution

2 Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Pollution

Have you wondered where that plastic bottle you use end up after throwing it in the trash? What is the importance of reducing our plastic use? Should you take part in recycling?Most of the plastic that goes to the ocean is plastic, as 80 percent of marine trash comes from land. Yes, we use our ocean as our trash bin.

Reduce, Reuse, Retire that Plastic Water Bottle

Reduce, Reuse, Retire that Plastic Water Bottle

While on the move, whether driving or walking, running or biking, carrying a water bottle remains a staple accessory for yoga-pants wearing health-gurus and flannel-rocking hipsters alike. For personal health, there really is no better way to maintain hydration and managing appetite than a having a constant spigot of pure, ice-cold water by one's side.

How to reduce your Plastic Pollution Tenfold for less than $30!

How to reduce your Plastic Pollution Tenfold for less than $30!

Let's start with the basic premise that, depending on where you are, this is either a topic you care about or could not care less about. Yes: we need everyone on board to save the planet, yada yada.

Joining the #kickplastic Movement

Joining the #kickplastic Movement

By now our reliance on single-use plastics and their lasting effects are well documented. A few seconds of use leads to centuries of consequences.

Five single use products you can stop using today

Five single use products you can stop using today

The easiest way to stop plastic pollution is to continually remind yourself that single use products are not worth the environmental price. We have a list of five single use products that you can swap out with reusable products.

How You Can Help Reduce Single Use Plastic

How You Can Help Reduce Single Use Plastic

When we think about recycling, we think about our recycling bins and how diligently we work to sort our trash. We take pride in thinking that we are helping our environment.

Cleaning Plastic Pollution From the Ocean

Cleaning Plastic Pollution From the Ocean

While governments and businesses wrestle with the problem of plastic pollution through recycling and other schemes, the issue of the plastic that has already made it to the ocean persists. According to the Interesting Engineering site, a nonprofit called the Ocean Cleanup is ready to deploy a device in the Pacific Ocean to start gathering up the stuff so that it can be collected and taken back to shore for processing.

Teaching Kids Early About Plastic Pollution

Teaching Kids Early About Plastic Pollution

While we trust that parents and teachers are educating children about the environmental ills of plastic pollution, the time has come to consider using more than just our words. Perhaps more powerfully than anything we might say to them, our actions speak volumes to the next generation when it comes to plastic prevention for kids.