Are Plastic Roads The Solution to Our Waste Problem?

As humans, we create millions of tons of plastic waste every year. It goes into landfills, but it also ends up in our oceans. National Geographic estimates there are over 8 million tons of plastic waste going into the water every year, and most of that isn’t taken out. This creates floating garbage patches, in addition to making life very difficult for the ocean’s residents. The reason that plastic is left in these places is, quite simply, it doesn’t have any value. It’s a lot of time and energy to pick up garbage.

But as the old saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. As we find more uses for recycled plastic in our modern world, these patches of cast-off waste are going to be seen more as fresh resources to be tapped than anything else. Especially when you consider that we could replace asphalt roads with plastic ones.

How Much Plastic Waste Would THAT Eliminate?

According to this video shared by 1 Million Women, plastic roads are already being implemented around the world. Road patches are being used in India, and in the U.K. plastic has replaced bitumen in some places as a kind of field test. And, according to the numbers, a road made from recycled plastic is up to 60 percent stronger than a standard asphalt road and can last for 10 years. Additionally, it’s completely recyclable, since plastic is plastic. So when the old road is pulled up, it can be recycled back into fresh road.

Ask yourself how many miles of road there are. Now ask how much plastic is floating in our oceans. Do we have a better place to put all that waste?