Page 79 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

How To Earn LEED Points For Your Building

How To Earn LEED Points For Your Building

Going green not only can improve your profits, but it can also improve your public image. Unfortunately every business claims to be environmentally responsible and smart consumers want proof of an organization's true nature.

Recycling Gift Wrap – Eco Friendly Alternatives – Infographic

Recycling Gift Wrap – Eco Friendly Alternatives – Infographic

Explore eco-friendly alternatives to gift wrap and learn ways you can recycle gift wrap to reduce your environmental impact.

Recycling Gift Wrap infographic
Infographic by Waste Wise Recycling Bins

Car Batteries: A Recycling Success Story

Car Batteries: A Recycling Success Story

What do you think the most often recycled item is? Paper? Plastic? Soda cans? Well, we kind of gave it away in the title, but the most recycled item isn't something commonly found in recycle containers; it's car batteries. According to the Battery Council International over 99% of battery lead is recycled.

The Secret To Negotiating A Recycling Contract

We are going to let you in on a little tip that will save you many when you renew your contract with your recycling vendor: presort the recycling bin. Presorting Is Easy Right now you are probably doing what's called "single-stream recycling" or "commingled recycling".

Waste Wise Recycle Bins: Functional And Attractive

Over our years in the business, we have seen consumer attitudes towards containers for recycling change. Today's customers want more say in the design of a recycle bin and we offer a range of styles and colors to meet any need.

Park Benches: Three Unsuspecting and Unusual Uses

Park Benches: Three Unsuspecting and Unusual Uses

The classic look of wooden park benches has adorned many environments, but the benches required a lot of care so weren't always the seating of choice. Many designers are taking a new look at the furniture because of inexpensive and maintenance-free recycled plastic park benches.

Picnic Tables Options For Wheelchairs

You have a host of options when buying recycled plastic picnic tables from Waste Wise Products, and we don't just mean size and shape. We have a number of tables designed to seat people in wheelchairs.

Get More From Your Recycling Efforts

It goes without saying that Waste Wise Products cares about the environment, but we are also a business so respect the need to make a profit. This is why we work with our customers to find creative ways to turn their ecological efforts into positive business strategies.

Safer Kids Furniture: Meet A Surprising and Socially Responsible Material

We want to keep our kids safe and yet it seems like there are so many dangers in their environments. No matter how carefully you watch them, that one moment when you take your eye off is when something happens.

Tips For Getting People To Use Your Recycling Containers

It's frustrating to deploy a bunch of recycling containers and then find people are still throwing plastic bottles and such in the trash. Over our years in the industry we've come across a few tips that can make your recycle bins busier than ever.