Page 78 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

How Can I Get My Employer To Recycle?

The sad fact is that too many businesses do little if any recycling. Most people recycle at home due to the convenience of curbside programs, but then you go to work and there isn't a recycling bin to be seen.

How Is Recycled Plastic Used?

Have you ever wondered where plastic goes from the recycling container? Plastic is a versatile material and after being recycled can be used in a variety of products including plastic benches, containers and construction materials. Product Packaging It's not surprising that one of the most common uses of recycled plastic is the beverage bottle.

Will We See Recycle Containers for Mattresses? Facts About How To Recycle Your Mattress

Will We See Recycle Containers for Mattresses? Facts About How To Recycle Your Mattress

The recycle containers most people use at their homes have long been a convenient source to easily recycle manageable items. But what happens when people are reminded that most of the contents in a mattress can also be recycled? For decades, the disposal of a mattress meant dumping it at a local landfill when better care could have been given on recycling the inner materials.

Start an Office Recycling Program

Start an Office Recycling Program reports that, "In the average workplace, about 80 to 90 percent of solid waste is actually recyclable, according to the U.

What happens to the paper put in recycling bins?

What happens to the paper put in recycling bins?

People who are diligent about recycling are glad to know that a little bit less trash will wind up in a landfill, but they may still wonder what becomes of all that collected paper. We'll try to answer that question here.

Tips For Introducing Recycling Lessons Into The Classroom

Tips For Introducing Recycling Lessons Into The Classroom

The lessons kids receive in the classroom can change their lives. We don't mean the "What year was the War of 1812?" rote memorizations, but rather the classes that shape their perceptions of the world around them.

13 Secrets For A Successful Zero-Waste Event

13 Secrets For A Successful Zero-Waste Event

A study from 2006 showed that a typical event generates four pounds of trash per person. However a zero-waste event reduces that number to less than a third of a pound per person, of which less than one ounce is non-recyclable trash.

The Problem With Recycling Styrofoam

The Problem With Recycling Styrofoam

We are willing to bet that even if your recycling vender accepts plastic type 6 in their recycle bins, they specifically exclude Styrofoam. Why is Styrofoam not recyclable? It's all the same stuff, isn't it? Sort of.

Two Steps To Take Before Recycling

Organizations typically see the recycling container as the symbol of their environmental efforts. In reality, recycling is only one--and arguably the least important--of the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Applying Toyota’s Lessons To Recycling Programs

The Toyota Prius is one of the great automotive success stories. People practically fought in the streets for the privilege of owning them.