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The Waste Wise Blog

How Multiple Stream Recycling Bins Help The Environment

How Multiple Stream Recycling Bins Help The Environment

In an article about recycling efforts in Boston, author Barbara Moran cites the many problems that come from single-stream recycling or one-bin-takes-all approaches to recycling. First, many items that get dropped in single-stream bins become “contaminated” from the moment they fall in the bin: paper gets dirty and therefore not reusable and glass breaks and cannot be sorted out.

Glass: A Popular Sustainability Solution

Glass: A Popular Sustainability Solution

While plastic bottles are everywhere, there is still an interest in using glass containers to hold everything from soda to pickles. While it might seem quaint or old-fashioned (as well as more fragile than modern-day plastic containers), glass still has a lot of advantages over plastic.

Recycling Station Collections: Improving Efficiencies While Looking Sharp

Recycling Station Collections: Improving Efficiencies While Looking Sharp

Many people are keen on environmental conservation and want to do what they can for the cause. The challenge may be a means to do so such as bins that make it easy to separate different kinds of waste so that recycling it is easier.

Sprint tackles e-waste with The Smartphone Encore Challenge

Sprint tackles e-waste with The Smartphone Encore Challenge

Recently, Sprint launched its inaugural Smartphone Encore Challenge, which will look to college students for a new take on issues of e-waste and sustainability.  In partnership with Brightstar Corp.

Our 5 Favorite Recycling Stations

Our 5 Favorite Recycling Stations

Consumers and the public at large are very keen on the agenda of environmental conservation. People want to know that a brand or company they favor as customers are engaged in conserving the environment.

5 Points To Consider When Buying Recycling Bins

5 Points To Consider When Buying Recycling Bins

The success of waste recycling programs often depends on having the right recycling bins in place. Convenience, utility, and appearance all factor in to how people will react to a program and how easy it will be for them to correctly utilize recycling containers.

3 Ideas for a Zero-Waste Valentine’s Day

3 Ideas for a Zero-Waste Valentine’s Day

As February 14 approaches, many are looking forward to the overflow of red, pink, and white-themed gifts for the romantic holiday. But to those conscientious about waste and the environment, Valentine's Day is a zero waste nightmare.

Who Are The Sustainable Packaging Leaders In The Food And Beverage Industry?

Who Are The Sustainable Packaging Leaders In The Food And Beverage Industry?

On January 29, 2015, the National Resources Defence Council (NRDC) published its latest report, "Waste and Opportunity 2015: Environmental Progress and Challenges in Food, Beverage, and Consumer Goods Packaging."  Naturally, this report summarized an in-depth investigation of power players within the food service industry.

Spruce up your Office with Stainless Steel Garbage Cans

Spruce up your Office with Stainless Steel Garbage Cans

While offices need to be functional spaces, your choice of office furniture can not only affect the size, but also the comfort and atmosphere of any office. A furnishing that is too large or overly imposing can make even the largest office feel airless and claustrophobic.

Bill Gates Funds Recycling Innovations For Waste Water And Green Energy

Bill Gates Funds Recycling Innovations For Waste Water And Green Energy

Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world, and he's no stranger to using his money to fund noble causes. One of his most recent endeavors is funding a machine called the OmniProcessor, which turns human waste into drinking water, pathogen-free ash, and green energy.