Page 58 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

Recycling Innovations: Off-Grid Living Leads to Unusual Designs

Recycling Innovations: Off-Grid Living Leads to Unusual Designs

Living off the grid is a romantic idea, but for the average person is seems like an expensive vacation. After all, living comfortably without all the infrastructure we take for granted is hugely expensive, since you have to bring it with you.

2 Resources To Start Sustainability Programs at the Office

2 Resources To Start Sustainability Programs at the Office

Starting a sustainability program at the office, whether it's a more efficient recycling system, or installing solar panels and LED lighting, involves a lot of time and research. It can be a daunting task, especially for a new team or sustainability coordinator.

United Nations Social Good Summit Promotes Corporate Social Responsibility

United Nations Social Good Summit Promotes Corporate Social Responsibility

If you have a business that actively promotes social good, you know that small changes can have a large and lasting impact. As your company incorporates positive societal change into your enterprise, it helps to know what major problems the world is facing.

Ikea has a recycling innovation for its catalog

Ikea has a recycling innovation for its catalog

Catalogs have to be among the most recycled items on Earth. Even in this era of email and texting, dead tree catalogs clog mailboxes, advertising everything from designer clothes to gourmet food.

Zero Waste Strategy: 3 Ways to Reduce Your Office Waste

Zero Waste Strategy: 3 Ways to Reduce Your Office Waste

When trying to implement a zero waste strategy, a strong recycling program is a great first step to seeing what types of waste is made in your office. But to really move towards zero waste, it's important to start a program that moves to eliminate waste in the recycling bin in the first place.

Back-to-School Green Initiatives: Five Strategies to Get students Recycling

Back-to-School Green Initiatives: Five Strategies to Get students Recycling

Instilling a green, eco-friendly routine is best when people start young. That's why schools are a great place to teach students about recycling: not only is it fun, but students can bring it home and also instill a life-long appreciation of the Earth.

4 Easy Recycling Hacks for Back to School

4 Easy Recycling Hacks for Back to School

For many, back-to-school days usually translate into a lot of shopping for supplies, and, therefore, a lot of money and waste. Why not skip the shopping lines by repurposing your trash for back-to-school treasure? Here are 4 easy recycling hacks for your back to school supply list that will not only help yourself or your student succeed in school but also help you move towards zero waste in your home.

Are Goats Washington’s New Zero Waste Strategy?

Are Goats Washington’s New Zero Waste Strategy?

When you hear about zero waste policies, Washington D.C.

Recycling Innovations: Extreme Upcycling Turns Dumpsters Into Pools!

Recycling Innovations: Extreme Upcycling Turns Dumpsters Into Pools!

Upcycling is just a fancy way of saying one person's trash is another person's treasure. Architect Stefan Beese is one of the premiere upcyclers on the Internet right now, and he's catching a lot of attention for what he's doing with dumpsters.

Taking Corporate Social Responsibility for Ship Pollution

Taking Corporate Social Responsibility for Ship Pollution

When people think of big sources of pollution, they often think of cars stuck in traffic increasing air pollution, or airplanes guzzling up valuable resources. But what about ships?According to a recent article at Mother Jones, oceangoing ships are providing some of the biggest volumes of air pollution, with some of the most deadliest consequences to human health.