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The Waste Wise Blog

3 Tips to Cut Down on Food Waste in Your Office

3 Tips to Cut Down on Food Waste in Your Office

If your office is like many, there is probably always someone eating or passing out food to the other employees. Although there is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying a tasty snack or a nice lunch while you're in the office, all of this office-wide consumption can result in a lot of food waste.

Try Hydroponics at the Office with The Grove

Try Hydroponics at the Office with The Grove

Urban farming is not just big for homes, especially apartment dwellers, but it can also be taken to the office. From rooftop gardens to cafeteria compost or in-office herb and vegetable growing, many businesses are looking for creative ways to complete their sustainability programs.

Does Food Waste Always Mean Wasted Food?

Does Food Waste Always Mean Wasted Food?

Besides comprising 18% of municipal solid waste destined for landfills, food waste decomposition generates the lethal greenhouse gas, methane which intensifies climate change and global warning 25x more than carbon dioxide.Significantly contributing to landfill-bound food waste are the university meal programs serving buffet-style meals to students.

5 Podcasts To Support Green Team Building

5 Podcasts To Support Green Team Building

Staying on top of green business and energy trends can be difficult, especially for a busy office and team that is trying to implement sustainable development goals. If you want to stay abreast of new developments that can help you reach your sustainable goals, try out these special podcasts.

4 Ways To Bring Corporate Social Responsibility To Your Trade Show

4 Ways To Bring Corporate Social Responsibility To Your Trade Show

As a business, you're likely going to attend a trade show in your industry in the coming year. But when you leave the office, are you also bringing your green practices with you? A trade show is a great place to not only put your CSR goals into practice, but also encourage other businesses to promote sustainable business as well.

How Outdoor Benches Help Encourage Healthy Lifestyles

How Outdoor Benches Help Encourage Healthy Lifestyles

In recent years, there has been a renewed focus on improving health and diets that have been noted in the media, and society at large. Living a healthy lifestyle has come to encompass a wide range of food choices, diets, workouts, and lifestyle habits.

This recycling innovation automatically cleans ocean waste

This recycling innovation automatically cleans ocean waste

There are many recycling innovations out there that want to address plastic waste in the ocean, from Boyan Salt's Ocean Cleanup project to the numerous clothing lines repurposing ocean plastic and fishing nets. But what about a simple innovation that easily implements and is automatic?You'll be happy to see Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski's new recycling invention, the Seabin.

4 Sustainable Goals To Make At The Office

4 Sustainable Goals To Make At The Office

Creating more sustainable goals in the office can be a challenge because there are so many different directions one can go in. But as with all initiatives, it's best to start with smaller goals or one focus area at a time.

Scottish Distillery Turns Food Waste Into Electricity

Scottish Distillery Turns Food Waste Into Electricity

When we think of food waste, we tend to think of it on a smaller, more personal scale. For example, how much food does a household throw out? However, when we think of it on an industrial scale, we begin to see that there are bigger sources out there that make up the full picture.

Challenge Your Team with a 5-Day Zero Waste Mission

Challenge Your Team with a 5-Day Zero Waste Mission

When it comes to understanding zero waste, it can be important to demonstrate how difficult it can be to cut down on waste. So why not implement a zero waste challenge idea in your entire office? Here are the steps for a successful zero waste challenge campaign in practice.