Page 52 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

Vermicompost: A Simple Way to Reduce Your Food Waste

Vermicompost: A Simple Way to Reduce Your Food Waste

Food waste is easily one of the biggest sources of waste in our country today. About 40% of food in the US goes uneaten in a given year, according to the National Resources Defense Council.

5 Ways to Educate the Importance of Recycling

5 Ways to Educate the Importance of Recycling

Recycling is so simple to do that everyone can do it. However, many people resist the practice.

The Innovative Nanotech Toilet Could Help Provide Access To Water & Electricity

The Innovative Nanotech Toilet Could Help Provide Access To Water & Electricity

Without a doubt, the flush toilet has been a boon to humankind. The ability to remove bodily waste from where people live to treatment plants has improved sanitation and public health immeasurably.

How recycling can help your bottom line

How recycling can help your bottom line

Throughout the ages of humanity, recycling has taken many forms. In the past, recycling was done by individuals -- a specific form of recycling known as reutilization or reuse.

How To Make A More Sustainable Office Cafeteria

How To Make A More Sustainable Office Cafeteria

In your office, you and the others within the company have probably worked hard to focus on sustainability. For example, you might strive to operate a paperless environment so that you can cut down on waste.

Recycling Paper, a Pencil, and Tape into An Innovative Battery

Recycling Paper, a Pencil, and Tape into An Innovative Battery

It looks and sounds like a MacGyver episode set in any typical office: researchers at the University of Tokyo and the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne have created a new type of battery using just a standard pencil, cardstock paper, and Teflon tape (also known as thread seal tape or plumber's tape). Together, the materials create static electricity that can generate as much as 3 volts of power, which is equal to two AA batteries.

Is Biophilic Design Part Of Your Office’s Sustainability Initiatives?

Is Biophilic Design Part Of Your Office’s Sustainability Initiatives?

For most offices tackling sustainability, a lot of attention is paid to improving energy efficiency and reducing waste. But as we aim to transform our actions for a cleaner environment, we forget to reap the benefits of a green environment for office space.

3 Simple Ideas To Introduce Sustainability At The Office

3 Simple Ideas To Introduce Sustainability At The Office

With all the threats we see in our natural environment, it is more important than ever to "go green." It will not only help the world around you, but it can also help you cut costs and gain community spirit.

Would you believe up to 40% of U.S. food never reaches tables?

Would you believe up to 40% of U.S. food never reaches tables?

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations tell us that approximately 40 percent of food in the U.S.

How Ford’s New Mobility Plans Will Support Corporate Social Responsibility

How Ford’s New Mobility Plans Will Support Corporate Social Responsibility

Rethinking mobility to and from the office is an important component of corporate social responsibility for any business. But besides public transportation, ride-sharing programs, and infrastructure for biking or walking, what can businesses do to address transportation and mobility with their employees?Ford is hoping to answer that in their own plans for Smart Mobility programs, such as the FordPass program and a leasing program called Ford Credit Link.