Page 47 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

3 Ways to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle At Work

3 Ways to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle At Work

Everyone has an invested interest in keeping our planet clean and unpolluted. Every effort that is made towards making environmentally safe choices is another step towards healing our already overburdened Earth.

Is Fungi The Key To Better Battery Recycling?

Is Fungi The Key To Better Battery Recycling?

Lithium-ion batteries have become ubiquitous as smartphones and tablets proliferate. These kinds of batteries are rechargeable, but not forever.

Will Business Investment Increase Wind Tree Demand?

Will Business Investment Increase Wind Tree Demand?

We've known for some time that big business is going to be a leader in adopting sustainable, clean energy. With Microsoft arranging to buy its energy from renewable power plants, and companies like Chevrolet and Nissan experimenting with their car batteries to run entire buildings on nothing buy solar power, we're starting to see that green energy isn't just good for the planet; it's good for business.

How to Recycle Your Batteries

How to Recycle Your Batteries

When you think of recycling, what comes to mind? Aluminum cans in big black bags? Newspapers and magazines neatly stacked in a bin, ready for collection? Maybe you think of a stack of used plastic, ready to be shredded and turned into something else? What you may not think of, though, are batteries. In fact, most of us just pull out those dead soldiers and toss them in the trash when our TV remotes, flashlights, and other gadgets need replacements.

Will 3D-Printed Food Mean an End to Food Waste?

Will 3D-Printed Food Mean an End to Food Waste?

All of us have had one of those days, sitting at home, where we wished we had the food-printing technology from Star Trek. All we'd have to do is give a voice command to our wall unit, and a few minutes later the exact dish we wanted would be ready for us, steaming hot and delicious.

Capturing Carbon Emissions: Recycling Car Exhaust Into Paint

Capturing Carbon Emissions: Recycling Car Exhaust Into Paint

Car exhaust is a major contributor to air pollution, especially in the developing world. Car exhaust is not only unhealthy to breathe but deposits grime on clothing and walls of buildings.

How To Eliminate Disposable Shopping Bags

How To Eliminate Disposable Shopping Bags

A robust recycling program is an essential component of zero waste, and so is eliminating unnecessary trash.  Single-use disposable shopping bags (both paper and plastic) have a short life.

Why Green Washing is a Serious Problem

Why Green Washing is a Serious Problem

Have you ever gone to the supermarket, and tried to buy healthy food? It’s nearly impossible to figure out what’s genuinely good for you, and what’s just wearing a health-conscious skin in order to get you to buy it. When everything is claiming to be a low-fat, low-carb superfood, it’s hard to tell the difference between the real deal, and a clever marketing package.

Match Your Furniture to Your Waste System with Stylish Recycling Bins

Match Your Furniture to Your Waste System with Stylish Recycling Bins

One problem that many corporations face when trying to implement effective waste management strategies is the perception that recycling and waste receptacles are often bulky and unbecoming. If your office prides itself on elegance and clean appearances, it can be hard to incorporate a recycling bin into the environment without creating an eye-sore.

3 Sustainable Changes To Make In Your Office’s Break Room

3 Sustainable Changes To Make In Your Office’s Break Room

In your office, your employees might enjoy congregating, chatting and munching in the company break room. Even though this can be one of the best parts of the office, it can also be one of the biggest sources of waste.