Page 43 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

Can Hemp Give Us Zero Waste Plastic?

Can Hemp Give Us Zero Waste Plastic?

More than half the plastic in the world is made in the United States. The sheer amount of oil that goes into making that plastic is mind-boggling to contemplate, particularly when you consider how finite oil is as a resource.

Are Traffic Rotaries a Zero Waste Approach to Emission Reduction?

Are Traffic Rotaries a Zero Waste Approach to Emission Reduction?

Traffic rotaries, also known as roundabouts, are an alternative solution to traffic lights. The way they work is that traffic feeds into a circle, and drivers exit at the road they want to take.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Examining The Energy Efficiency of Flat Roofs

Corporate Social Responsibility: Examining The Energy Efficiency of Flat Roofs

Flat roofs are not an uncommon design choice when it comes to commercial buildings. From huge office buildings to shopping malls, and everything in between, flat roofs tend to be the order of the day.

Recycling road while rebuilding could save infrastructure woes

Recycling road while rebuilding could save infrastructure woes

Infrastructure repair has been a vexing problem in the United States for decades. Presidents and Congresses of both political parties have wrestled with the expense of repairing roads and bridges.

Increasing Recycling in Your Office is as Easy as Adding More Recycling Bins

Increasing Recycling in Your Office is as Easy as Adding More Recycling Bins

As someone who is concerned about the environmental impact of your day-to-day actions, you might worry that your office is not as eco-friendly as it should be. For example, if you have ever seen an employee toss a perfectly good recyclable item in with the rest of the garbage, it might have made you feel more than a little bit upset.

Recycling Nuclear Waste Into A Nuclear Battery

Recycling Nuclear Waste Into A Nuclear Battery

One of the substances that has proven both technically and politically difficult to deal with is nuclear waste. Spent fuel rods and other material have to be stored where they will be safe for thousands of years.

Is Hempcrete a Zero Waste Building Solution?

Is Hempcrete a Zero Waste Building Solution?

We rarely think about the way we build things. However, the same bricks, mortar, concrete and steel we use today remain largely unchanged from decades past.

Can We Grow Meat to Avoid Food Waste?

Can We Grow Meat to Avoid Food Waste?

There are millions of animals being raised for food. Cows, pigs, chickens, and others are each an industry unto themselves, and their consumption is big business.

“The Pipe” is a Potential Zero Waste Solution to California’s Drought

“The Pipe” is a Potential Zero Waste Solution to California’s Drought

California's drought has been going on for years, and things are starting to get serious. The state's governor has even contemplated charging residents who use the most water as a way to get people to cut down on usage.

Striving For Zero Waste Cattle… Can It Be Done?

Striving For Zero Waste Cattle… Can It Be Done?

When we think about the greenhouse gases being put into our environment, and where they come from, we tend to think of cars, fossil fuel power plants, and similar energy sources. What we don't tend to think about, though, is our food.