Page 37 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

5 Easy Zero Waste Habits You Can Adopt

5 Easy Zero Waste Habits You Can Adopt

The average American throws away 4.5 pounds of trash every day.

Cutting down Food Waste with Imperfect Produce

Cutting down Food Waste with Imperfect Produce

The United States produces a colossal amount of food, but as folks who watched reports like the one aired on Last Week Tonight know, a huge amount of that food winds up decomposing in landfills. While the issue that unsold food goes straight to the dump instead of to hungry people who would gladly eat it is important, there is another aspect of our massive food waste problem that often gets overlooked.

7 Things That Contaminate Your Recycling Bins

7 Things That Contaminate Your Recycling Bins

Recycling is something that everyone should do, as we all know, but many of us don't because the sorting of all that waste can be time-consuming as you try to figure out what is supposed to go where. Even those of us who do make the effort can sometimes still get confused.

How To Turn Your Campus Dining Hall into a Zero Waste Facility

How To Turn Your Campus Dining Hall into a Zero Waste Facility

College campuses across the country are beginning to emphasize the importance of sustainability to their students. However, for universities and sustainability, leading by example is a much more effective way to create change! Taking steps to move towards a zero waste cafeteria is a great first step in the journey to sustainability.

How Restaurants Can Reduce Reliance on Single-Use Plastic Straws

How Restaurants Can Reduce Reliance on Single-Use Plastic Straws

Most of us don't think about the straws we get with our drinks when we're out to eat. We just pop them out of their protective wrapping, push them into our drinks, and get on with our meals.

5 Ways To Green Your Office

5 Ways To Green Your Office

When people think about going green, they often think of the steps that they can take as an individual at their homes to help the environment. However, there are also steps to be taken in the workplace.

Will New State Laws Stop Food Waste?

Will New State Laws Stop Food Waste?

Americans waste food at a staggering rate; from the farmers who harvest it, to individual households who buy too many groceries. We are all wasting food at an unthinkable rate.

This Non-Electric Air Conditioner Is Made From Plastic Bottles

This Non-Electric Air Conditioner Is Made From Plastic Bottles

Global warming is a serious problem, and it's getting worse every day. While a lot of us are doing our best to fight it, temperatures are still at record highs.

Can “Too Good To Go” Reduce Restaurant Food Waste To The Next Level?

Can “Too Good To Go” Reduce Restaurant Food Waste To The Next Level?

Food waste is a growing concern all over the world. Restaurants, in particular, have been trying to find ways to cut down on the amount of waste they generate because every bit of food that's prepared and thrown away is a hit in their bottom line.

Zero Waste Transportation, As Germany Adopts First Pollution-Free Trains

Zero Waste Transportation, As Germany Adopts First Pollution-Free Trains

Trains are one of the chief methods by which Europeans travel, and that's been the case for over a century now. And while there have been a lot of improvements made across Europe reguarding green energy used in homes and businesses, many of the commuter trains still run on old-fashioned diesel-electric engines.