Page 36 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

Repurposing Waste Into Interior Lights With Liter of Light

Repurposing Waste Into Interior Lights With Liter of Light

Huge swaths of the world exist without access to electricity, and in many of these places, people rely on diesel-powered generators, or old-fashioned lamps and candles. The former create health hazards, as well as environmental hazards, and the latter can result in fires that claim homes and lives every year.

Fighting Food Waste With The People’s Fridge

Fighting Food Waste With The People’s Fridge

Food waste is becoming more prominent as an environmental issue, and it seems like every day there's a new strategy for combating it. Too often, though, we focus on the big ideas, and we forget that small things can also have an impact on food waste.

Designing for Sustainability: Cradle to Cradle Certification

Designing for Sustainability: Cradle to Cradle Certification

Sustainability has been working backward, from developing recycling and reuse innovations for made products to substituting healthier materials in current designs, and now to the new standard, designing for sustainability. What does this actually mean? Products are designed, from the idea forward, with sustainability and safety in mind.

How Color & Imagery Can Boost Your Recycling Efforts

How Color & Imagery Can Boost Your Recycling Efforts

A key component to starting up an effective recycling program is to connect the recycling effort to the people who are going to participate in the program in a way to which they can relate to. For example, if you are starting a recycling program for your business, using the business logo on the recycling receptacles can help employees feel a connection to recycling to help their company.

What is Waste Valorization?

What is Waste Valorization?

While there is a widespread understanding that climate change is a danger, energy and natural resources are becoming scarce, and pollution is an ever present threat to human and animal health, these understandings have not translated into changes in the amount of waste we produce.

Challenges of Reuse & Recycling for 9.7 Billion by 2050

Challenges of Reuse & Recycling for 9.7 Billion by 2050

Among the challenges and opportunities, a global population of 9.7 billion will bring to the world, resource allocation and use are going to stand out as some of the most critical.

A Less Wasteful Solution For Cooling Down Cities

A Less Wasteful Solution For Cooling Down Cities

Cities are hot. One of the major reasons for this is that cities tend to trap heat, particularly given the sheer amount of blacktop in urban areas.

How To Run A Successful College Campus Recycling Program

How To Run A Successful College Campus Recycling Program

A successful college or university campus recycling program depends upon the entire process being profitable to the remanufacturer that is organizing the recycling effort. The benefits of a good recycling program, however, are evident including removing waste from landfills as well as providing a new market for the recyclable materials to be made into new products.

Why Choose 100% Recycled Park Benches?

Why Choose 100% Recycled Park Benches?

When it comes to outdoor seating, today’s park benches come in many shapes and sizes. Not only do they give your patrons a place to sit, relax and enjoy the outdoors, but a good bench creates ambiance and makes your space more inviting in general.

A Case Study In Recycling Bins: An Academic Study

A Case Study In Recycling Bins: An Academic Study

What Are the Benefits to Providing Recycling Bins? Providing recycling bins gives people the option to recycle their waste in public places rather than just throwing it into trash cans. This can prevent recyclable materials from ending up in our already overly full landfills.