Page 31 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

Stop Sucking on Single-Use Plastics

Stop Sucking on Single-Use Plastics

Recycling is great for renewing our resources, but most single-use plastics never make it to recycling facilities. Instead, single-use plastics - like straws, six-pack rings, or grocery bags - often end up in our natural environments.

How You, as a Consumer, Can Move Society Towards a Circular Economy

How You, as a Consumer, Can Move Society Towards a Circular Economy

Consumers face an uphill battle with reduction of waste - you need to make purchases, you don't have time to research every detail, and new products are often produced irresponsibly and covered in unnecessary and wasteful packaging.How can you - the consumer - help move us to a circular economy? There are small steps and extreme steps, but it's doable on some level for all of us.

How you can help mold the Circular Economy

How you can help mold the Circular Economy

What Is A Circular Economy?First, let's look at how most of our economy works now:Natural resources are made into products to sell and use.Materials created in the manufacture of the products are discarded into landfills.

Take the Pledge to Reduce Single Use Coffee Cups

Take the Pledge to Reduce Single Use Coffee Cups

For many working professionals, a cup of coffee is a requisite start to the day. However, Americans throw away 400 million single-use coffee cups every day, or a staggering 50 billion cups each year --that's 23 yearly pounds of trash per person.

Recycling Coffee Grounds & Plastic Bottles to Make Active Clothing

Recycling Coffee Grounds & Plastic Bottles to Make Active Clothing

Consider your morning cup of coffee. 99.

3 Technologies Helping To Reduce Food Waste

3 Technologies Helping To Reduce Food Waste

Hunger and starvation is an issue that continues to affect many people around the world on a daily basis. At the same time, a considerable amount of food goes to waste on a daily basis.

Fighting Food Waste … with a Camera?

Fighting Food Waste … with a Camera?

Not all solutions have to be high tech. MIT, arguably the most famous science and technology university in the United States, is fighting food waste with a camera.

3 Ways To Make Your Business More Sustainable

3 Ways To Make Your Business More Sustainable

Every corporate environment has targets that they set out and pursue to achieve. The purpose of setting these goals is to better the organization and improve the manner in which specific actions are performed.

Seattle Stops Plastic Straws

Seattle Stops Plastic Straws

The Last (Single-Use) StrawIf you've gotten a drink in a forward-thinking Seattle bar lately, you may have noticed the lack of a straw in your drink. Or maybe you were served a nifty-looking paper slurper reminiscent of an old-time soda fountain.

The Latte Levy: Great Britain and Coffee Cup Recycling

The Latte Levy: Great Britain and Coffee Cup Recycling

Members of the government and industry in Great Britain are calling on the government to impose a new tax on disposable coffee cups of 25 pence each, and if that doesn't work, to ban disposable cups altogether. The situation is a mess and produces too much trash and litter.