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The Waste Wise Blog

Innovative Waste-Free Shopping Embraced by Major Corporations

Innovative Waste-Free Shopping Embraced by Major Corporations

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, several major corporations committed to implementing TerraCycle's new Loop shopping system. Efforts aim to leverage eco-conscious consumers' desires to reduce waste.

Save Some Green At Your Office As A Team!

Save Some Green At Your Office As A Team!

Humans respond very well to visual reinforcement. If you want your green initiative to succeed at the office, your best bet is to create visual displays, on which staff members can see direct evidence of their efforts.

Using Insects to Process Food Waste

Using Insects to Process Food Waste

Food waste has become an acute problem in the island nation of Singapore. While the country continues to become urbanized, Singapore is literally running out of space for landfills.

Recycling Developments in the Fishing Industry

Recycling Developments in the Fishing Industry

Sick Seas If you were one of the millions of viewers that watched the second installment of the acclaimed Blue Planet series, you are painfully aware of its alarming message: the oceans are in need of some serious TLC. Climate change, fishing industry pollution, and overfishing are some of the challenges that face our oceans today.

Plastic Pollution: The Fashion Industry Steps Up

Plastic Pollution: The Fashion Industry Steps Up

Individuals and businesses are fighting plastic pollution by developing products that can be made from recycled plastic, which would therefore not accumulate in landfills or clog the world's oceans. According to an article in the Guardian, the fashion industry is now creating designer clothing made from recycled plastic.

How Edipeel combats food waste by doubling shelf life

How Edipeel combats food waste by doubling shelf life

Combating food waste can be done by recycling or composting. However, according to Futurism, a startup company in California called Apeel Sciences is using a third way to prevent food waste, which is extending the shelf-life of food so that it doesn't spoil before it can be shipped.

Fighting Food Waste Through Prevention & Technology

Fighting Food Waste Through Prevention & Technology

Issues Surrounding Food Waste   Between 33-50% of all food produced globally is wasted --an approximation of over $1 trillion of uneaten food. To compound the issue, along with all the wasted resources that went into the production of this wasted food (land, energy, manufacturing, labor, water, packaging, etc), once this waste hits the landfills, it decomposes, producing methane, a gas that is 23x deadlier than carbon dioxide.

Our Top 5 Green Initiatives

Our Top 5 Green Initiatives

What are green initiatives? From polymers to policy and from governments to kitchens, people are coming up with creative ways to waste less and recycle more, also known as green initiatives. 1) Taking Away Take-Away Containers Peer into the trash can in any food court, and you'll see a big, shiny pile of polystyrene take-away containers.

Will Hemp and the Farm Bill Change the Bioplastics Industry?

Will Hemp and the Farm Bill Change the Bioplastics Industry?

The 2018 Farm Bill has passed; environmentalists have been particularly watching the new provision allowing agricultural production of hemp. American has a hemp farming history that dates to Colonial times.

The Benefits Of Concrete Recycling & The Circular Economy

The Benefits Of Concrete Recycling & The Circular Economy

Concrete is a major building material. One important application is in the construction of highways.