How To Incorporate Recycling Containers Within Your Business | Waste Wise Products

How To Incorporate Recycling Containers Within Your Business

No longer can businesses turn a blind eye toward the environmental effects of discarding paper, glass, cardboard, and other materials. The public’s awareness about pollution and each person’s contribution toward it have grown dramatically. Years ago, most people intuitively understood the problem, but few gave it any more than a fleeting thought. Today, society is increasingly holding businesses accountable for their efforts (or lack thereof) toward recycling.

If you operate a business, regardless of its size, you can easily incorporate recycling containers without impacting your budget. Today, we’ll explain how. You’ll learn a few tips for choosing the right locations for your recycling bins and how to encourage your employees to “go green.” We’ll also clarify why you should consider drafting a formal recycling policy for your office.

Choose Smart Spots In Which To Place The Bins

Because your containers will need to be emptied periodically, you’ll need to choose their locations carefully. Many business owners and managers are anxious to implement a recycling program and neglect to outline where they’ll place their bins. A little floor planning in the beginning goes a long way toward making it easier for your entire staff to take part.

Look for convenient enclaves that are near wide doorways or halls. Even though recycling bins are available in different sizes, larger units will need more room in order to be hauled and emptied. Also, consider locating your containers near your company’s mailroom and office printers. Of all materials that businesses discard, paper products are the most voluminous. Finally, keep in mind that your city or county may have specific safety requirements with which you’ll need to comply.

Make It Easy For Employees To Participate

For most businesses, the main obstacle that prevents employees from recycling is the lack of ease in doing so. If there are few recycling containers located throughout your office, your staff will be less likely to take part. For example, consider your sales department. They’re busy speaking with customers. When they need to throw away a container, memo, or fax, they are unlikely to spend valuable time looking for recycling bins in other departments.

Make it easy for your entire staff. Place attractive steel recycling containers in the lunchroom. Put roll out carts and utility bins in the warehouse. Invest in nondescript fiberglass bins and place them within each department. They’ll serve their purpose without calling undue attention to themselves.

Create A Formal Office Policy

Depending on your dedication to recycling, you may want to avoid “forcing” your staff to take part. To be sure, doing so may have the opposite effect. However, you should consider drafting a formal office policy that explains the details behind your effort.

For example, explain that all jars should be rinsed before being discarded. Cans should be emptied and crushed. If you’re using multiple recycling containers (as opposed to single streaming), include details regarding which materials can be placed within each container. Your company’s recycling policy does not need to demand employee participation in order to be effective. But, it can clarify your program and thus, encourage involvement.

Invest In Your Own Containers

You can borrow, rent, or buy your recycling containers. Smaller businesses often think the bins are expensive and therefore, opt to rent them. In truth, you can own your own fleet of containers without affecting your budget. The advantage is that you can have the text and graphics customized to suit your company. What’s more, some municipalities offer a number of incentives to encourage local businesses to implement a recycling program. Whether you’re using durable plastic bins, steel containers, or heavy-duty fiberglass containers, having your own fleet at your disposal eliminates rental fees and offers far more flexibility.

It’s simple to incorporate recycling bins within your company and encourage your staff to take part. The easier you make it for them to participate, the more likely they’ll jump at the chance.

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