How Can I Start A Recycling Program At Work? | Waste Wise Products

How Can I Start A Recycling Program At Work?

Present to your office why recycling is beneficial at the workplace

Cities make curbside residential recycling easy but often don’t offer the same convenience to businesses. It can be frustrating for consumers who scrupulously recycle at home to go to work and find there isn’t even a recycling bin in the break room. The key to convincing your employer to be more ecologically friendly is to present it as a smart business decision.

Start With The Right Attitude

When we are passionate about something it is easy to be too aggressive when trying to change someone’s mind. The problem with this approach is if you go in on the attack, then the person you are talking to goes on the defense. Your employer’s primary concern is the business so the best way to bring company leaders over to your side is to present the recycling bin as a symbol of business success.

Do your research. Arm yourself with hard facts, not just hand-waving platitudes. Arguments about blue skies and clean water are great when addressing a community of parents worried about the future of their kids, but won’t sway most corporate executives. Present a business plan showing that recycling is a profitable way to do run the organization.

Recycling Saves Money

Having upper management on your side is a huge boost to a recycling program. The higher up in management you go, the more the executive is focused on the bottom line. This is why your primary argument should revolve around cost savings. Recycling service often costs less than trash service, as much as 40% cheaper, so putting out a recycling bin saves the company money right away.

Recycling isn’t just about waste disposal. The company should be looking at products with high post-consumer recycled content. Not only are these products less damaging to the environment to produce but they are often cheaper than their “new” counterparts.

Finally, program administration costs will be negligible. After the initial purchase of recycle containers, there is little ongoing cost other than the recycling collection service which, as stated, will be less than the trash service.

Recycling Improves Image

Companies pay public relations firms big money to build positive corporate images in the minds of the public. A demonstrated commitment to a cleaner environment is a great way to show people that your company is a valuable member the community, working to make the world better. Once an initial program has proven successful you can go beyond the recycling bin to include composting, gray water usage, solar power projects and more. Each new initiative builds priceless goodwill with the community.

Recycling programs also build morale among the employees, and happy workers are productive workers. People want to believe their employers are committed to more than just profits, and participation in environmental programs can energize and motivate workers on all levels of the organization.

Take the initiative and approach your manager today. A recycling bin is just the start of a comprehensive business plan that will boost company profits for years to come.

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