How to Convince Your Boss to Reduce Waste at Work

How Can I Get My Employer To Recycle?

The sad fact is that too many businesses do little if any recycling. Most people recycle at home due to the convenience of curbside programs, but then you go to work and there isn’t a recycling bin to be seen. Here are a few tips on how to convince your boss to reduce waste at work and show your them that recycling is a smart move.

Be Professional

The worst thing you can do is to march into to some executive’s office, pound on his desk and demand to know what kind of soulless corporate monster wouldn’t care about the environment. Okay, most people won’t be quite that aggressive, but the point is the right attitude is essential when trying to convince your boss of anything. Being assertive is good; being a jerk is bad.

A better option is to offer a way to improve the company’s profits. Now you have management’s attention. Know your audience. When dealing with business professionals, you need to speak the language of profits and strategic planning and corporate focus. You need to show not only how reducing waste at work makes a better world, but rather how it makes better business.

Talk About Money

When implementing a program like this it’s best to start at the top. Executive support is critical to company-wide changes. The top level people in the organization tend to be focused on profits, and that is why you need to show that a recycling bin isn’t an expense; it’s actually a savings. The company is already paying to have its trash hauled away, but did you know most recycling services charge less than trash services? That’s because they can sell the recyclables to generate some of their revenue.

Look for other ways recycling and reducing waste at work can save the company money other than just through recycle containers. Start with purchasing. Products with high post-consumer recycled materials are often cheaper then products with all new materials, and yet have the same quality. Purchases from recycled paper to a second-hand copier can save the company money.

Talk About Image

You know what companies value more than money? Public relations. A good public image is priceless, and a bad one can drive an organization out of business. A recycling bin sends a message to the public that the company cares about the community, that they are trying to build a better world and not just get rich off the resources. Recycling can open the door to more environmental initiatives such as converting the company fleet to natural gas, or reducing electricity use by using more efficient light bulbs.

Environmental programs improve productivity by boosting employee morale. Workers see they are part of positive change and not just cogs in the machine. High morale increases productivity, reduces absenteeism and cuts down on turnover. In the end, this all saves money too.

Show your employer that a recycling bin isn’t just a place to put an empty soda can. It’s a smart business investment with a generous ROI.

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