Here’s What You Can Do To Help Fight Global Warming | Waste Wise Products

Here’s What You Can Do To Help Fight Global Warming

An increasing number of people are becoming environmentally aware every year and are wondering how they can contribute to help fight global warming. Every action we take as an individual helps and everyone has a part to play. Whether it is using your recycling containers or buying energy efficient products, it has never been easier to go green and make a positive impact.

Fill Up Your Recycling Bins, Not Our Landfills

Everything you throw away ends up in a landfill, taking up space while just rotting away. Everything you put in your recycling containers, however, gets a second lease on life. This saves space in landfills, saves the natural resources needed to make new products, and helps to create green jobs. So using your recycling bins has a wide ranging impact.

Recycling containers today are easier to use than ever. More cities are running single stream programs that do not require you to sort your different recyclables. If you do have to sort, there are a wide range of recycling containers that will make sorting easy and painless.

You can start with clip-on recycling bins in the office to catch paper waste, multi-component recycling containers in the garage to instantly sort plastic and cans, and finish up with a set of sleek, modern square recycling bins in the kitchen.

Go One Step Further – Reuse Old Items

If you can find another use for an old item, that is even better than throwing it into your recycling bins. There are tons of ideas to inspire everyone to reuse nearly any item in the house. Here’s just a tiny sampling of what you can reuse.

• Spaghetti and mason jars can store leftovers or bulk kitchen items, be used to hold a holiday gift, or organize your small household items.
• Old plastic plant potters can be used to sift rock salt onto your driveway during the winter, strain vegetables from the garden, or organize all of your loose nuts, screws, and bolts.
• Vintage glass soda bottles can become attractive containers for dish soap and many products in the kitchen.

Bottom line, anything you can reuse has a lasting impact.

Buy Energy Efficient Products

Every year, more products come on the market that are energy efficient or made with green manufacturing processes. Everything from high efficiency light bulbs to recycled materials help to ease the impact of using up raw materials. When you buy high efficiency appliances and electronics, you are also saving money and energy in the long run. Of course, once you have used these products, don’t forget to put them into your recycling bins or find a new way to reuse them!

These all seem like little things, but in reality each little thing adds up quickly. If everyone makes one small positive change, the end result has a major impact both locally and globally. And to think, all of this from just a little change at home or in the office.

Recycle With Style - High End Recycling Bins - Shop Now
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