The Ekocycle 3D Printer: An Innovation For Recycling | Waste Wise Products

The Ekocycle 3D Printer: An Innovation For Recycling

The Ekocycle 3D Printer: An innovative recycling machine

Humans produce hundreds of millions of tons of waste every year, and as we all know only a fraction of that waste gets re-used and recycled. Entirely too much of it ends up sitting in landfills or filling garbage dumps. Coca-Cola has decided to do something about this, though, and by partnering with 3D Systems it’s created the Ekocycle 3D Printer.

How is this a recycling innovation?

On the surface, the Ekocycle 3D Printer doesn’t seem all that different from most 3D printers meant for home use. This printer can make small figures, smartphone covers, jewelry, and other simple designs, but what makes it unique is that every cartridge for the Ekocycle 3D printer is made using 3 recycled Coca-Cola bottles. With the popularity of 3D printing, both in industrial as well as in home settings, the potential for turning trash into treasure is obvious.

However, the Ekocycle is far from the only machine trying to turn old plastic into new filament. Kickstarter inventions like the Filabot, which grinds up milk jugs and other plastic items before turning them into fresh filament for 3D printers, are beginning to gain a toe-hold in the market.

What could this mean?

3D printing seems to be the wave of the future, and these machines have been called the new VCRs (insinuating that soon every household will have one). If 3D printers are really embraced on that scale they will open up a whole new demand for plastic filament. If that filament can be made from recycled plastic it’s possible (even likely) that consumers will be one of the major driving forces in emptying landfills of all the bottles that have been waiting for a second chance at life.

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