Could Solar Power Sharing Make Renewables Affordable? | Waste Wise Products

Could Solar Power Sharing Make Renewables Affordable?

Could Solar Power Sharing Make Renewables Affordable?

Solar power is a great source for renewable energy, but it’s largely inaccessible to many. When it comes down to who can get solar power, it mostly relies on a property owner willing to invest in the cost of installing solar panels. The roof for the panels also has to be optimal for solar harvesting.  

In Massachusetts, a company is challenging the traditional methods of obtaining or using solar power by providing an experimental way to share energy. According to EcoWatch, the Boston company Yeloha is starting a service where “sun hosts” and “sun partners” can both benefit from lower utility bills and greener sources of energy. Basically, “sun hosts” are homeowners that have a roof fit for solar panels, but cannot afford to install them on their own.

Yeloha installs the panels for free, in exchange for 2/3 of the electricity generated by the panels (the remaining third is left for the homeowner’s own utility needs). Yeloha then sells solar power credits to residents who don’t have a means or ways to install panels (such as apartment renters) at a price that is cheaper than their current utility bill. Overall, the annual savings from this system is about 10% for the sun host and sun partner. Though admittedly not a lot, it can grow to have a substantial impact as more hosts and customers sign up.

While the company currently serves Massachusetts residents based on an invite-only program, it recently raised 3.5 million dollars to expand their service. The implications of this project could mean greater access to businesses and residents who want to green their energy inputs, without having to invest a large amount of money to install solar panels. In addition, the savings that participants get from switching to solar power will encourage others to see the benefits of a more efficient power system. Overall, the project has the potential to stunt the reliance on fossil fuels for energy.

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