Page 9 | Food Waste

Food Waste

Should Other Nations Follow France’s Lead on Food Waste?

Should Other Nations Follow France’s Lead on Food Waste?

Food waste is a huge problem all around the world. Even in rich nations, where food is plentiful, there are people who simply cannot afford to feed themselves and their families.

A Beauty Treatment from Food Waste?

A Beauty Treatment from Food Waste?

Being mindful of our planet means never wanting to discard something that can be reused. Food waste is something that can and should be reused if possible.

Vermicompost: A Simple Way to Reduce Your Food Waste

Vermicompost: A Simple Way to Reduce Your Food Waste

Food waste is easily one of the biggest sources of waste in our country today. About 40% of food in the US goes uneaten in a given year, according to the National Resources Defense Council.

Would you believe up to 40% of U.S. food never reaches tables?

Would you believe up to 40% of U.S. food never reaches tables?

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations tell us that approximately 40 percent of food in the U.S.

France passes a law against food waste

France passes a law against food waste

France has decided to take on the problem of food waste head-on, according to a recent story in the Guardian. It has passed a new law forbidding large supermarkets from throwing out food that has approached its sell-by date.

3 Apps That Will Help Eliminate Business Food Waste

3 Apps That Will Help Eliminate Business Food Waste

With about 1.3 billion tons of food rotting in landfills, Americans have a food waste problem.

3 Tips to Cut Down on Food Waste in Your Office

3 Tips to Cut Down on Food Waste in Your Office

If your office is like many, there is probably always someone eating or passing out food to the other employees. Although there is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying a tasty snack or a nice lunch while you're in the office, all of this office-wide consumption can result in a lot of food waste.

Does Food Waste Always Mean Wasted Food?

Does Food Waste Always Mean Wasted Food?

Besides comprising 18% of municipal solid waste destined for landfills, food waste decomposition generates the lethal greenhouse gas, methane which intensifies climate change and global warning 25x more than carbon dioxide.Significantly contributing to landfill-bound food waste are the university meal programs serving buffet-style meals to students.

Scottish Distillery Turns Food Waste Into Electricity

Scottish Distillery Turns Food Waste Into Electricity

When we think of food waste, we tend to think of it on a smaller, more personal scale. For example, how much food does a household throw out? However, when we think of it on an industrial scale, we begin to see that there are bigger sources out there that make up the full picture.

Why Does The U.S. Waste 40 Percent of Its Food?

Why Does The U.S. Waste 40 Percent of Its Food?

The U.S.