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Food Waste

Is The Beacon Food Forest a Solution to Food Waste?

Is The Beacon Food Forest a Solution to Food Waste?

One of the big problems facing us when it comes to food waste is transportation costs. Farms can grow a lot of food in one place, but for that food to get into our homes (and then into our mouths), it has to be loaded up, and shipped out.

3 Ways to Reduce Food Waste During the Holidays

3 Ways to Reduce Food Waste During the Holidays

During the holidays, it is easy to become preoccupied with the usual things we think of at this time every year: gifts, holiday parties, shopping, decorating, and holiday meal menus. One of the last things you may be thinking of during this time is food waste.

The Dangers of Food Waste

The Dangers of Food Waste

Food waste is a huge problem in the United States. Not only is it bad environmentally, but economically as well, but many often question, 'Is food waste hazardous?' and 'Why is food waste bad?'.

Will The Sundrop Farm Eliminate Farming Food Waste?

Will The Sundrop Farm Eliminate Farming Food Waste?

Traditional farms are extraordinarily wasteful. They take a huge amount of energy, require massive amounts of land, and only a percentage of what's actually grown ever makes its way onto grocery store shelves.

How To Reduce Personal Food Waste

How To Reduce Personal Food Waste

In a world where 35 million tons of food waste every year comes from U.S.

Does Aero Farm Have A Food Waste Solution?

Does Aero Farm Have A Food Waste Solution?

When we think of food waste, we tend to picture all the groceries that get thrown out uneaten or the stacks of fruits and vegetables that are tossed out by grocery stores when they begin to spoil. However, what most people don't realize, is that the way we grow our food is amazingly wasteful.

Will 3D-Printed Food Mean an End to Food Waste?

Will 3D-Printed Food Mean an End to Food Waste?

All of us have had one of those days, sitting at home, where we wished we had the food-printing technology from Star Trek. All we'd have to do is give a voice command to our wall unit, and a few minutes later the exact dish we wanted would be ready for us, steaming hot and delicious.

This startup is recycling food waste into powdered supplements

This startup is recycling food waste into powdered supplements

Communities undertake recycling to save space in landfills and to cut down on the amount of energy needed to create new products from scratch. A startup company called NewFoodz is undertaking a recycling innovation program to address two other problems, namely food waste and hunger.

Will The Food Recovery Act Reduce Food Waste?

Will The Food Recovery Act Reduce Food Waste?

Many people are uneducated about food waste and the effects that it has on the environment. Currently, a proposed federal legislation is aiming to educate citizens on the harming effects of food waste, and how to eliminate this waste all together.

This Australian Company Is Recycling Waste Water Into Drinking Water

This Australian Company Is Recycling Waste Water Into Drinking Water

One of the more unusual cases of a recycling innovation has been started by an Australian inventor named Dr. Bruce Kambouris, who has begun a bottled water company called AquaBotanica.