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Food Waste

Pizza Hut to Trial Round, Compostable Pizza Boxes

Pizza Hut to Trial Round, Compostable Pizza Boxes

If there's anything we know about pizza boxes, it's that they're square, and they contain a delicious round meal. However, if you're into recycling, then you also know that the grease spots, cheese stains, and sauce spills make pizza boxes nearly impossible to recycle, as the food waste contaminates the process.

How To Reduce Food Waste In Your Office

How To Reduce Food Waste In Your Office

Food waste is a growing problem in the United States. 50% of all produced food in this country is thrown away and makeup 19% of landfills.

Easy Ways To Cut Food Waste Inside Restaurant Kitchens

Easy Ways To Cut Food Waste Inside Restaurant Kitchens

There are several ways hotel restaurants cut down on food waste, including reducing the size of the portions, stop offering free bread and butter, and using technology to monitor food waste for the kitchen staff. Stop offering free bread and butter The Red Tavern, located at the Kimpton Hotel Monaco in Portland, decided to reduce the amount of waste serving bread and butter.

Connecting Customers and Companies to Combat Food Waste

Connecting Customers and Companies to Combat Food Waste

Developing an app that helps to cut down on food waste is actually the second business enterprise that Danish entrepreneur Mette Lykke has undertaken after leaving a big consulting firm in 2007. Her first endeavor was a sports training app that she and her partners developed under the brand label Endomondo.

Reducing Food Waste in Restaurant Takeout and Delivery

Reducing Food Waste in Restaurant Takeout and Delivery

Sometimes, after a long day, you just don't feel like cooking, so you order takeout or delivery from your favorite restaurant. Eating out without leaving your couch is easier than ever with delivery apps these days.

Morrisons Embraces Unique App To Help Fight Food Waste in the UK

Morrisons Embraces Unique App To Help Fight Food Waste in the UK

Food waste is a problem, and one of the primary sources of that waste comes from stores throwing out unsold food. While everyone agrees food should go to people who need it, the challenge has been finding a way to distribute the food in the time between when it's not fresh enough to stay on the store's shelves, and when it's no longer safe to eat.

4 Ways Restaurants Can Donate Leftover Food and Oils

4 Ways Restaurants Can Donate Leftover Food and Oils

American eateries throw away a lot of leftover food. Fortunately, restaurateurs can find many ways to donate excess meals, ingredients, and oils.

How AI Can Reduce Grocery Food Waste

How AI Can Reduce Grocery Food Waste

To outsiders, the problem of food waste in retail seems obvious. Stop wasting food, duh! If reducing food waste were that simple, then it wouldn't be such a hot topic among people who worry about it for a living.

How Grocery Stores Can Fight Food Waste

How Grocery Stores Can Fight Food Waste

It stands to reason that ground zero for food waste is going to start with grocery stores. After all, that's where most of us get our food.

Disposable Coffee Cups That Could Plant Trees and Wildflowers?

Disposable Coffee Cups That Could Plant Trees and Wildflowers?

Americans go through a staggering number of coffee cups a year, and that’s not even accounting for the sheer amount of java the rest of the world is drinking. While reusable mugs and travel thermoses can put a dent in the amount of waste our coffee habit produces, it's not common enough to fix the problem.