4 Food Recycling Companies Creating Upcycled Food

4 Food Companies Creating Products From Recycled Foods

4 Food Companies Creating Products From Recycled Foods

With the growing problem of food waste and how to reduce it, many companies are using food waste to make sustainable food products. Upcycled food is food that would go to landfills. The Upcycled Food Association they see many food waste companies that are tackling the problem by creating healthy food products for consumers. This reduces greenhouse gases from food waste, said to account for 8 percent of the gases.

Aqua Botanical Bottles Water in Australia

The Aqua Botanical company creates bottled water combating water scarcity by using leftover juice concentrate from fruit and vegetable juice. The company filters and add minerals to the water left juice concentrate and bottles it. Any leftover juice from their production process is given to farmers for their animals. This food recycling company has found a viable solution to food waste.

Martriak Foods Recycles Vegetables

Martriak Foods recycles vegetables that are not imperfect or were never harvested into vegetable broths and purees to be used in schools, cafeterias, hospitals, food banks, and foodservice businesses in the US. Their broths and purees are used to make soups, stews, curry, risotto, and casseroles. The company received the ReFED COVID-19 Food Waste Solution grant this year. This is because their product feeds those in need while reducing waste.

NETZRO In Minneapolis Make Calcium Supplements and Re-Harvested Grains

This company uses leftover eggshells to make calcium and collagen supplements for animals and humans. They process corn and rye leftovers from distilleries and turn them into re-harvested grain that can be used to bake bread. They process leftover table scraps like vegetable and fruit skins and add them to the soil for gardening and farms. This helps provide help with growing food and recycles food waste efficiently.

Wize Monkey Turn Coffee Leaves Into Tea

Wize Monkey is a company in Canada that uses turns Arabic coffee leaves from its partner farms in Nicaragua into tea. They help the farmers with year-round income by using the plant’s leaves to produce bottled ice tea and dry packaged tea. Their company has won awards for its global products. Companies and restaurants can learn from these food recycling companies how to use food waste to feed the hungry and reduce waste.

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