Are Hobbit Holes a Zero Waste Living Solution?

Thanks to Peter Jackson and his blockbuster films, everyone in the world knows about hobbits. They’re small, furry-footed folk who, despite their provincial life, are brave, loyal, and willing to take great personal risks to do what’s best for the world. We also know they live in holes, which is a rather rude term for their lovely, underground homes.

For all the folks who watched those films, and thought that living in a hobbit hole looked like a pretty swanky deal, you’re not wrong. In fact, according to Good Home Design, there is a renewed interest in earth sheltered homes. Whether that interest is because they have a very low impact on the environment, or because it’s a real life version of living in Hobbiton, isn’t something that’s been weighed-in on.

What Are The Advantages to Earth Sheltered Houses?

Living underground might seem like a harsh deal, but earth-sheltered hobbit hole homes come with a lot of advantages. For one, their low profile makes them particularly resistant to dangerous weather, and they provide additional shelter in case of tornadoes. Since they are, in essence, a house that is mostly basement.

Additionally, because the houses are largely underground, they are insulated against both extreme heat and extreme cold. This cuts down on the amount of energy residents use, particularly if they space sky lights through the home so they can make the best use of natural light. The homes allow the landscape to flourish, and they have a much lower profile than traditional buildings.

At the end of the day, the net result is that people can live in efficient hobbit hole houses that are unique, comfortable, and which may bear a bit of a resemblance to some of the most memorable houses created in a high fantasy setting.