5 Easy Zero Waste Habits You Can Adopt

The average American throws away 4.5 pounds of trash every day. That adds up to about 2 thousand pounds of waste every year. With statistics like that, it’s no wonder that zero-waste lifestyles are growing in popularity.

However, living fully zero waste seems increasingly more difficult with the popularity of ease shopping instead of environmentally conscious shopping in stores. Trying to eliminate waste entirely while staying on a practical budget can seem intimidating.

Producing zero waste can actually be a way to save money! Changing your habits can change your lifestyle, one step at a time. So what are the five (5) habits you can adopt to reduce waste and promote recycling in your home? Find out below!

1. Buy a Water Bottle

If you don’t already have one, a water bottle is an easy way to eliminate plastic buildup. More than 60 million disposable plastic water bottles end up in landfills every year, even though they can be recycled in any recycle bin at home.

Switching to a multi-use water bottle not only eliminates the senseless disposal of plastic, but it’s also cheaper! Using a tap saves money that would’ve been wasted on bottles in bulk, and you can refill your water bottle anywhere.


Going zero waste is as simple as bringing your own bag to the grocery store. You can buy canvas bags in any grocery store, and they really make a difference.

Plastic bags are difficult and inconvenient to recycle. Bringing a reusable bag is easy and pays off quickly.

Once you’re proficient at zero-waste shopping, you’ll find alternatives to other disposable bag items- like trading in mesh for plastic film bags, or mason jars for snack items- while shopping at your local produce market.

3. Dish Rags instead of Paper Towels

Paper towels are helpful in a pinch, but they constantly have to be restocked frequently and are wasted after one use. Replacing them with dish rags for wiping down counters and drying dishes is not only zero waste, but it saves money on your grocery runs.

You can even find rags that are compostable online, which is even better for the environment.

4. Trade Plastic Tupperware for Glass

Glass Tupperware is increasingly more popular, and the environmental payoff is well worth it!

Plastic Tupperware can’t always be recycled, and the toxins from the plastic seep into food when microwaved or when the food sits in the Tupperware for long periods of time.

Glass, however, is recyclable and has a longer durability. It also doesn’t contain leaking toxins.

There are alternatives to glass Tupperware, like mason jars and counter-top containers, that will store food just as efficiently.

5. Compost!

This is by far the best tip for starting a zero waste lifestyle! Food waste is a huge problem even though most food waste could be composted instead of thrown away.

A backyard compost is easy to set up. It benefits the environment, your home garden, and any other plants. It’s an inexpensive way to reduce and re-purpose food waste.

These are just a few kick-starter tips, but there are many more ways to produce zero waste in your home. Lifestyle changes can seem stressful at first, but lifestyle changes for a great cause is well worth the time and effort.

Changing small habits to start a zero waste lifestyle doesn’t have to be expensive or drastic. In fact, it could be as beneficial to your pocket books as it is to the environment!