Smart Options For ‘Greening Up’ Your Business | Waste Wise Products

Smart Options For ‘Greening Up’ Your Business

The world is becoming a greener place. The Green Revolution is fast gaining participants and converts. Every day, more and more people, businesses, and schools around the world are greening up their lives and working toward lessening their carbon footprint. In recent years, the influx of clean and green products has made reducing waste easier and more affordable. At Waste Wise, we are helping lead the charge toward saving the planet by helping people recycle their waste.

Recycling is one aspect of the green lifestyle that is quickly picking up speed and gaining traction. Once only found in the larger towns and population centers, recycling facilities are quickly spreading to more rural areas across the western world. Because of this, businesses, private citizens, and schools are looking for ways to promote recycling. These people are turning to Waste Wise for help finding long lasting, strong, sturdy, and aesthetically pleasing bins for recycling.

Fiberglass Recycling Bins

Fiberglass bins for recycling have been around for generations, but have only recently caught on as a popular choice for recycling bins. Their popularity can be at least partially attributed to their pleasing looks and their non-bulky construction. Typically, these bins range in size from about 55 gallons to 73 gallons, which makes them a little smaller than many other recycling bins. While some may see smaller size as a drawback, many businesses and schools find the size makes the bins more versatile and much easier to integrate into a business.

Recycled Plastic Bins For Recycling

It seems like a novel idea: recycle your used goods in a recycled recycling bin. That is the beauty of a plastic recycling bin. As a product of what it promotes, plastic bins lead by example. They are also a versatile bin and a fitting container for many different types of refuse. From plastics to glass and paper to lumber, plastic bins are very versatile and can be designed to fit many different styles, shapes, budgets, and uses.

At Waste Wise, we sell recycled plastic recycling bins for use on city streets, inside lunchrooms at schools and offices, and for private use. Please contact us for more information on these versatile and customizable bins for recycling.

Steel Constructed Recycling Bins

Of course, nothing is more synonymous with strength than steel. At Waste Wise, we offer steel constructed recycling bins that can be tailored to almost any space. Steel bins for recycling can be constructed in almost any way, from very large and high capacity to smaller and lower capacity. They can also be made to fit the nooks and crannies of an office, lunchroom, or anywhere in need of recycling.

As opposed to the molding of both plastic and fiberglass, steel construction allows these recycling bins to be more versatile and more attractive to many consumers. The construction also allows these bins to be great for both outdoor and indoor applications. The consumer or businesses making the purchase can many times dictate the bin’s design and number of openings. This makes them the perfect bins for schools, businesses, and activity centers.

Recycle With Style - High End Recycling Bins - Shop Now
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