How to Recycle for a Greener Workplace
Paper Waste in OfficesWe all know that recycling is good for the environment. And most people use recycling bins at home.

Encouraging Your Office to Recycle More with Friendly Competition
Even though you might have recycling bins in place at your office, there's a chance that your employees just aren't as focused on recycling as they possibly should be. In order for your office to truly cut down on waste and make a difference, it is important for everyone to participate.

6 Steps To Green Your Office Paper Use
Are you wanting to implement practices for sustainability at the office but just can't get anything established? The best way to get management's attention in business is toIncrease profits andSucceed at reaching your target goal, particularly when that goal is to increase profitsSaving the planet is a noble path, but businesses exist to make money. That's what they do.

The Benefits of Outdoor Picnic Tables For Employee Lunches
When thinking about purchasing fixtures for your company, outdoor picnic tables usually aren't the first items that come to mind. Yet, more and more companies are utilizing these simple, easy-to-care-for, well-loved backyard standards to tempt their employees outside during break and meal times.

Why Businesses Should Establish A Recycling Culture
We all share some level of responsibility when it comes to protecting our environment. As a business, the recycling culture we establish in the workplace has benefits for our employees, as it can get carried over to home life.

4 Benefits Children’s Picnic Tables Can Bring Your Daycare’s Eating Area
A lot of thought goes into room design, furniture, storage, and anything else in a daycare center. Children's health and safety are always considerations, along with creating an environment that encourages learning.

Why Your Business Should Recycle
Why Your Business Should RecycleYou already know the mantra. It's good for the environment.

How A Waste Audit Can Establish Your Reduction Program’s Baseline
There's a great deal of talk about sustainability at the office these days, but how does an organization decide how to start waste reduction and recycling, and where to focus their initial recycling efforts? First, they should quantify their current waste levels and identify the area needing greatest improvement. A Waste Audit is a terrific way to do that.

3 Reasons Why Green LEED Buildings Can Boost Business
LEED building standards are a hard reach for many companies, whether when building a new structure or retrofitting an existing building or space. In turn, a business might decide that it's not worth the time, consultation, and effort to become LEED certified.

How recycling can help your bottom line
Throughout the ages of humanity, recycling has taken many forms. In the past, recycling was done by individuals -- a specific form of recycling known as reutilization or reuse.