

Why companies invest in commercial picnic tables and benches

Why companies invest in commercial picnic tables and benches

You may not think there's a connection between things like picnic tables and benches and employee morale, but the truth is that creating an enjoyable outdoor space for your employees can boost morale, productivity, and even loyalty. When you provide employees with a quiet place to relax and unwind during breaks, they’ll come back to work refreshed and ready to hit the ground running, and this increases productivity and makes for happier employees.

6 Steps to a Sustainable Office

6 Steps to a Sustainable Office

Offices are riddled with more than just complicated relationships between coworkers. If you take one step into many office spaces you will likely find that paper and plastic are as common as hushed whispers behind cubicles.

Create A Recycling Incentive Competition for your Office

Create A Recycling Incentive Competition for your Office

Bringing your office together to accomplish a common goal can help create connections deeper than business. Teams who deeply understand one another can manage conflict more intelligently, and solve problems more collaboratively and creatively.

3 Ways to Make Your Office More Eco-Friendly

3 Ways to Make Your Office More Eco-Friendly

Let's face it, the office environment was not created with the intention of conserving our natural resources. Luckily, small adjustments can make a large impact on the way our offices affect the environment.

Building Up Your Team to Go Green

Building Up Your Team to Go Green

New rules and culture can be challenging to implement in an office environment. Generating employee enthusiasm about green habits doesn't have to be! Employees can transition easily when they participate and engage in the change.

Does Your Office Celebrate Sustainably?

Does Your Office Celebrate Sustainably?

In former days, nothing said celebration quite like a good old-fashioned balloon drop. Whether you were hosting a concert, announcing the grand opening of a retail store, or marking a special cultural holiday, balloon drops and releases of helium balloons seemed the way to go.

Three Ways to a More Sustainable Office

Three Ways to a More Sustainable Office

Is your office trying to jump on the sustainability bandwagon? Not sure how or where to start? Below are a few simple steps to get started without additional cost that can actually save money! Paper. We all use paper at the office.

Three Easy Ways to Encourage Green Team Building Through Recycling

Three Easy Ways to Encourage Green Team Building Through Recycling

We should all have an interest in reducing our carbon footprint in the world, especially since we have many opportunities to do so. Recycling is a practical way to substantially reduce our negative impact on the world.

Reduce Paper Waste In Your Office

Reduce Paper Waste In Your Office

According to the Paperless Project, "the average office worker continues to use a staggering 10,000 sheets of copy paper every year," despite digital technology that, in theory, would facilitate offices going paperless. No conversation about sustainability in the office can be complete without discussing paper waste.

4 Benefits of Outdoor Picnic Tables for Employee Lunches

4 Benefits of Outdoor Picnic Tables for Employee Lunches

There are many benefits to creating an outdoor patio picnic area, complete with picnic tables, for your employees. This is especially true if you create a little outdoor oasis by landscaping the area with plants and paving stones.