5 Ways To Encourage Your Employees To Recycle
If you're a business owner or manager, you may feel somewhat responsible for how your employees behave, especially at work. Encouraging them to recycle can be a great way to show the community that your business cares.

Making the Cafeteria and Office a Little Greener
The employee lunchroom or cafeteria is one of the least green areas in the whole office, with some small adjustments you can make the cafeteria and whole office greener. Don't provide Disposable Items As a company, make the choice not to stock your break rooms or cafeteria with things like paper plates, plastic utensils, disposable napkins.

6 Ontario recycling tips for office buildings
Recycling in the workplace is becoming an increasingly important endeavour for many businesses, but even when you commit to more sustainable practices, it can be difficult to know how to put them into effect. Furthermore, recycling is about more than just sorting glass from plastic and making sure that recyclables get diverted from the landfill, and it’s also about making a conscious effort to include more environmentally friendly practices throughout your organization.

3 Leaner, Meaner & Greener Resolutions For Office Sustainability
Every day, more and more people are jumping on board to becoming "leaner, meaner and greener" by shrinking their carbon footprint and promoting sustainability and recycling. This movement has now infiltrated the corporate environment, with many companies willing to do their part, but not knowing where to start.

How To Make Office Recycling Bins Raise Team Morale
Climate change and overflowing landfills are serious topics often discussed in the workplace. Making a difference through starting a recycling program in an office can be a positive and inspiring response to environmental concerns.

How To Implement Company-Wide Eco Initiatives
As younger generations hit the workforce, more and more young people are looking toward company culture and values as deciding factors in their job search. One key factor? A company's sustainability, both financial and environmental.

Help Reduce Waste in the Office with Recycling Bins
Are you noticing that your office is producing a lot of garbage? Perhaps not all of your garbage is true garbage, but recycling. Guess what? There's something that you can do about this problem.

3 Reasons to Recycle in the Workplace
A great many people now recycle things they would have once just thrown away when they are at home, but these same people don't necessarily recycle the same items at the workplace. Extending your recycling efforts to encompass the workplace as well as the home is an excellent idea and can make an even larger impact.

3 Ways To Promote Environmental Sustainability At Work
Adopting a sustainable office can offer several benefits. And it's the best way to go green.

3 Fun Ways to Prioritize Recycling in the Office
Sometimes appealing to a person's better nature is all it takes to promote recycling; however, when the days are long and schedules are packed, it's easy to fall back into old patterns and routines.If you're finding that recycling in the workplace isn't always top of mind, consider one of these fun, motivational tools.