Page 14 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips


Why Should Restaurants Recycle?

Why Should Restaurants Recycle?

With the holidays over, many people are returning to work. Small local lunch counters have a real responsibility usher in a sustainable future.

Why Should Businesses Recycle?

Why Should Businesses Recycle?

The psychology behind commercial recycling is not the same as residential recycling. The "recycling containers save the planet" argument may sound nice but business owners have to consider more mundane matters such as profits and shareholders.

Good And Bad Facts About The Recycle Bin

Good And Bad Facts About The Recycle Bin

Recycling is good for the environment, for public health and for the economy. Unfortunately not all recycling trends are positive.

3 Office Sustainability Obstacles You Should Know Before Buying Recycling Containers

3 Office Sustainability Obstacles You Should Know Before Buying Recycling Containers

If you're starting a sustainability program at your business, you know just how important it can be to get the program to work. After all, a program that isn't implemented well can be very discouraging, and means that your business will continue unsustainable practices for the time being.

Office Politics and Recycling

Office Politics and Recycling

A recent study found that messages encouraging people to use recycle bins were more effective when they were tailored to the individual’s political beliefs. Take a look at the results and what they may mean for promoting recycling in your workplace.

Recycling Containers Aren’t Trash Bins; Benefits of e-waste & recycled plastic

Proponents of recycling often tout the environmental advantages of the practice. Although ecology is important, it is only one part of the recycling picture.

Study Suggests How to Get Employees to Use the Recycling Bin Instead of the Garbage

Study Suggests How to Get Employees to Use the Recycling Bin Instead of the Garbage

A recent study sheds more light on why people tend to trash some things instead of putting them in the recycling bin where they belong. The findings may help you improve your corporate waste strategy.

Should you get a waste audit?

Should you get a waste audit?

Successful business leaders study the environment before making decisions. You wouldn't put out a new product without a marketing analysis or invest in a security without a financial report, so put that same level of consideration into your plan to place recycle containers.

Recycling: A Good Business Decision

Recycling: A Good Business Decision

When you hear about the benefits of recycling you hear about climate change and the rainforest and the landfills and so on. That's great but you have a company to run and you ask yourself, "How does this affect my bottom line?" That's a fair question and it turns out that recycling containers are a smart investment.

Tips For Starting A Composting Program At Work

Older folks out there may remember when recycling was something done only by a few left-wing wackos. Today everybody, even people in the red states, has a recycle bin in the garage.