How Green Team Building Can Get Your Office Pumped | Waste Wise Products

How Green Team Building Can Get Your Office Pumped

How Green Team Building Can Get Your Office Pumped

More than ever before businesses are beginning to realize that the health of their company can’t just be reflected in profits. Offices that have chosen to go green are doing great things for the environment while saving money at the same time. It’s a win-win for everyone. So, how can your office go green?

Providing incentives for your employees to bike or carpool to work is a smart way to reduce your collective office footprint. So is switching to compact florescent light bulbs and buying items in bulk.

Also, reducing paper is a great way to promote green team building around the office. So many things are needlessly printed when they could just be emailed. Cutting back on printing will also save you money. Ditching the paper towels in the bathroom will make your office greener too.

However, one of the easiest and most impactful things your office can do to promote green team building is recycling. Installing recycling bins around the office will help change the culture and mindset of your office. If you help your employees make the right choice when it comes to environmental stewardship, they will get on board.

Injecting a sense of fun and competition around the office can help your office get a little greener. Offer gift cards, cash or lunch to the office team who recycles the most or who uses the least amount of paper. This is a great way to get your staff involved and enthused and help the environment at the same time.

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