Encouraging Your Office to Recycle More with Friendly Competition | Waste Wise Products

Encouraging Your Office to Recycle More with Friendly Competition

Encouraging Your Office to Recycle More with Friendly Competition

Even though you might have recycling bins in place at your office, there’s a chance that your employees just aren’t as focused on recycling as they possibly should be. In order for your office to truly cut down on waste and make a difference, it is important for everyone to participate.

Luckily, there is a way that you can encourage recycling while also helping to bring your employees closer together — hosting recycling competitions. It’s an awesome green team building option that can make a difference.

For example, you may want to pit different departments against one another — all in the name of fun and friendly competition, of course — by comparing how much each department recycles each week or month. To make things interesting, you could award the winning team with a small reward of some sort, such as allowing them to leave a work little early on a Friday or with a pizza party.

Alternatively, you could have your employees compete against themselves, such as by tracking improvements in recycling participation and offering rewards when your employees beat their previous records.

It might not seem like much, but these types of programs can be great for getting your employees to talk to one another and work together to meet a common goal, and it can really make a difference in how much your employees recycle when they are in the office. Consider hosting a meeting and brainstorming on an idea to get this type of program started, and you’re sure to be impressed by the results.

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